What's the fastest and safest way to invest and $10K vol. Quick flip lottery tickets good idea or ba

Aug 11, 2001
So a co-worker of mine just recently did something that I originally deemed as a foolish idea. About a month ago this dude spent $1100 on multiple rolls of $5 scratch off tickets. I laughed when I heard the idea originally pitched to me by another co-worker and I went in on dude for being so careless with his money and how this was a stupid investment. Fast forward to last week, dude comes to work in his new 2009 Maxima that's PAID OFF (got a pretty sweet deal apparently). I small talk with him and he told me amongst dozens of small winnings ($5-$100), he hit 2 $500 winners and 3 $5000 winners
. He said the $5000 winners came out to $3900 apiece after taxes (so that's $11,700).

He said he's about to do it again soon. He says his uncle has been doing this for years and has hit BIG. He said the least you'll do is break even but most of the time you'll come out several hundreds to thousands on top of what you initially invested. He said it's more to it and a bit of strategy and he'll fill me in next time we're at work.

What's your guys opinions on this? On one hand I still see this as a bit of a silly investment but if he hits big again like that, my entire opinion may change. I'm not at the the point of wanting to try it myself but it does sound tempting. I've never purchased a scratch off before but I am sorta familiar with them. The $20 tickets have amazing payouts and the odds are better than the cheaper tickets. What do you guys think?

While we're at it, what's something that one could invest $10K in and see profit relatively fast (NOTHING ILLEGAL!!!!)?

EDIT: Forgot cliffnotes

-I hear word that a co-worker of mine is considering spending $1K plus on $5 scratch offs.

-I laugh at such a stupid idea.

-Co-worker drives up in his new PAID OFF 2009 Maxima a month later.

-Says he hit for $5000 on 3 tickets. After taxes it was $11,700.

-Do y'all view this as a good idea/bad idea?

-What are some other ways to invest $10K for a quick flip (NOTHING ILLEGAL!)
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My pops used to own a liquor store & I would always look down on anybody who bought lottery tickets/scratch-offs . I feel like if there was any real chance to make money w/ this, it would've been exploited already (but then again most ppl are buying one a day). It's all math though. Do your research and analyze the #'s; don't just base it off your coworkers results.
Lol there's no safe way to invest 10k. You could get lucky and triple it or more, or you could very well lose it all. If you want to learn how to grow money, bust your *** studying how to trade (that means doing this stuff on a simulator for 6-12 months). Otherwise, sit on your cash before you blow it thinking you know what you're doing.
its possible but there's a risk. on a smaller scale, my mother does this and always breaks even. occasionally she wins more than she invested but she then reinvests in more tickets.

i dunno about trying it with thousands tho but i could see where your coworker is coming from considering i've seen my mother always break even or make a little bit more than she invested using 50-100ish dollars.
my buddy used to do this at a corner store he worked at in high school

if a roll sold through.. let's say halfway, and he didn't cash out a big winner from that roll - he would buy out the rest of the roll and recoup the winnings.

it's illegal, and it absolutely will not work if you don't have an insider knowing how much the roll has hit up to a certain point

your co-worker is probably lying about the lottery scam, and just bought the car with drug money
my buddy used to do this at a corner store he worked at in high school

if a roll sold through.. let's say halfway, and he didn't cash out a big winner from that roll - he would buy out the rest of the roll and recoup the winnings.

it's illegal, and it absolutely will not work if you don't have an insider knowing how much the roll has hit up to a certain point

your co-worker is probably lying about the lottery scam, and just bought the car with drug money

Nah bro, buying entire rolls isn't illegal at all. You can buy the entire roll before it even gets put out. And trust me, co-worker isn't lying and definitely isn't the type to be involved in any kind of illegal activities...especially drugs.
I've bought whole rolls on 3 different occasions.  It's 300$ a roll and each time i only made about half of the money back.  I bought 2 10$ rolls and 1 5$ roll.  I guess it could work if you're lucky, but I wouldn't recommend doing it unless you're willing to lose about half your money. 
Buy 100 grams of weed
Flip for 20 dollar profit.
Repeat xForever
Don't get caught
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