What's the most difficult feat in a single game of baseball?

Jan 20, 2002
just recently we've seen a perfect gm thrown and it seems as if someone is always flirting with one more often.  do you think we will see another 4HR gm or a 20K+ gm.  is there other feats that are even more difficult in the gm of baseball?  i cant even recall anyone getting close to 20 strikeouts in recent history.
I say it's the unassisted triple play (does that count as a feat?), but that's happened one or two times more than a player hitting 4 HR's in a game.

I would really like to see a pitcher win 30 games, but that probably won't ever happen and that's not a single game.
Hitting for the Cycle? That seems pretty difficult for me, but I dont really follow baseball.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

27 pitch game.

56 game hit streak ain't never gettin touched

Didn't Kerry wood strike out 20 ?

@ 27 pitches
back to back no hitters

unassisted triple play is pretty rare

56 game hitting streak

191 RBI in a season

73 homers in a season is never getting touched.

30 wins by a pitcher in a season.

a couple of years ago A-Rod almost had the homerun cycle. 2 run, 3 run, grand slam, didnt get the solo shot though
just based on the number of times it's happened, it would have to be the unassisted triple play but it's funny about the 27 pitches because theoretically that could happen.
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