What's with dudes not flushing the urinals?

May 26, 2008
About 95% of the time when I use a public bathroom, the urinal is full of one of the following...

a) light yellow colored liquid
b) dark yellow colored liquid
c) beer colored liquid


Do y'all fools not flush? I mean... you gotta wash your hands after you go anyway, so might as well use your hands and flush the thing when you'redone. Or at least lift your leg up and hit the flusher with your foot.

or do y'all not wash your hands?
What's worse is walking into an unflushed stall with Hershey's all over the place
You're welcome!

Over here, most places I go, they have automatic flushing urinals or now everyone seems to be using the Eco-urnials which you can't flush.
I have never flushed a urinal either.
And no, if I just take a pee, I don't wash my hands cuz I know my D is clean.
I do wash my hands after a dump, though. And I usually do flush after that but only with my foot.
If I have to touch anything in a public bathroom I'm
usually no one wants to put their hands on an infested, disgusting "toilet-handle-thing".

that @@!% be hella rusty and Lord knows who be puttin there hands on that thing...

my 2 cents.
Because its disgusting. I'm not touching anything in a public restroom. Automatic flush FTW.
Originally Posted by AyVee323

I have never flushed a urinal either.
And no, if I just take a pee, I don't wash my hands cuz I know my D is clean.
I do wash my hands after a dump, though. And I usually do flush after that but only with my foot.
If I have to touch anything in a public bathroom I'm
Son..... say you go out and eat something, and lick some sauce off your finger. How ya +$$@ taste son?
i used to give it the ol karate kick to flush but now its just all about saving water

if its yellow its mellow...
They should flush themselves.

I try my best not to touch anything when I go to take a piss in a public bathroom.
Let me give you a typical NT response

Step your game up and get a job that has automatic flushers.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Because its disgusting. I'm not touching anything in a public restroom. Automatic flush FTW.

What are you possibly going to contract from a urinal handle that couldn't be circumvented by washing your hands afterwards? Just grow up and flush it.
Originally Posted by danielskshin

You're welcome!

Over here, most places I go, they have automatic flushing urinals or now everyone seems to be using the Eco-urnials which you can't flush.
This... we need more of.

I've only seen those eco-urinals at the movie theaters.

Yeah it's disgusting to touch a public bathroom, but I bet you all that the stuff you touch elsewhere that is public... school computers, shared textbooks,door handles, handshakes with friends, your girls, etc are probably just as dirty as that "toilet-handle-thing." It just happens that the"toilet-handle-thing" exists in a public bathroom only, so y'all think it's more disgusting.

Touch the damn "toilet-handle-thing" (with one finger if you have to), and go wash your hands. That is ALL I'm sayin. It takes less than 2seconds. It's not like I'm asking you folks to clean the whole bathroom before you leave.

Only exception: If there is no soap in the bathroom (which understandably happens).

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Let me give you a typical NT response

Step your game up and get a job that has automatic flushers.
This has absolutely nothing to do with my job. What, you think the only place I pee at is at work?
I'll flush, but not with my hands, I always use the bottom of my shoe. I try not to use public restrooms at all, they are so disgusting. I went to the sameschool from 6th-12th grade, probably used the restroom about 1-2 times a year.
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

i used to give it the ol karate kick to flush but now its just all about saving water

if its yellow its mellow...
Okay, saving water I get.

But having dark brown/beer colored piss in the urinal = its time to be flushed.
I don't flush and I don't wash my hands cause when I'm holdin' my d, I hold it with a piece of toilet paper wrapped around it so I'm alwaysprotected

j/k, that's nasty.
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