What's your opinion on White parents adopting children of a different race?

You actually ducked the follow-up question I asked but cool.

I plan on adopting in America as well... it isn’t JUST outside of America.

My aunt adopted two children - one from Iowa who had parents addicted to drugs and one from Nebraska (not sure on background). Always thought it’s a beautiful thing.

In my original comment I said from Africa or another part of the world - not sure if you missed that BUT I think children in America already have SOME advantage vs poor children of others. Maybe not as true as it was once growing up...
Not a fan based on the usual stories that come out

They’re not adopting them to actually care for and give them a good life, they adopt them as props

i think that's a broad generalization. i do think some children do get adopted by people who wish to show them as badges of their open-mindedness, goodness, virtue, etc, but i genuinely think there are a far greater number of people who do it altruistically to provide many of these children without families a better life and opportunities and because they see themselves with the chance to do so.

i think this can sometimes be misconstrued as a white savior complex at face value though that's a legitimate argument for some who do this. and sometimes that comes at a price where the child isn't really taught about who they are, where they come from, their culture. that's an incredibly difficult task to take on as an "outsider." but man i 'd much rather see a child who never had a shot at life smiling with people around them being taken cared of, loved and nurtured than have that same child perish in an adoption center and lead a very sad existence into adulthood. just thinking about that makes my heart break
I understand that but why not a white child from American that has been dealt a bad hand?

What is the reason for wanting to adopt a BLack child ?

Uncomfortable question, I know but just trying to understand the reasoning.
He said from another country like Africa... there’s kids in other countries that have it alot worse than the kids here. That’s not to say the ones in America didn’t have a rough upbringing or messed up life but kids in much poorer countries have it worse. Maybe one reason?
He said from another country like Africa... there’s kids in other countries that have it alot worse than the kids here. That’s not to say the ones in America didn’t have a rough upbringing or messed up life but kids in much poorer countries have it worse. Maybe one reason?

YEa that doesn't answer my question but cool.
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