What's your Uber Passenger Rating?

Jan 6, 2013
I've been obsessed recently over my Uber Passenger rating because it's currently at a 4.67 and it's something I'm trying to raise over time just for the hell of it lol.

It seems like most people I know have a higher passenger rating than me.

What's yours?

and with the new in-app tipping feature I wonder if it affects anything, I read an article saying the drivers rate you before they can even see if you tip or not so there shouldn't be any difference with the new tip feature in terms of them rating you off tips.
I've never taken Uber or Lyft.

Why would a passenger get a bad rating? Cutting cheese?
mine is a 5. only used uber 3 times though...

idk how anyone could possibly get anything below a 5. you literally just sit there and get off lol.

unless the driver makes a mistake or somethin..
mine is a 5. only used uber 3 times though...

idk how anyone could possibly get anything below a 5. you literally just sit there and get off lol.

unless the driver makes a mistake or somethin..

Smell bad, dirty, say offensive ****, super drunk
Mine is super low. I took a ride with this chick once and we decided to look it up for fun, when you had to actually search for your rating in app and it wasn't on display like it is now, and it was low key embarrassing. But I get why its so low. I was doing scumbag things when I first started using Uber years ago, before most people knew about it so it must be from those days.
I came in ready to roast OP for having such a low score, then I saw that I'm at a 4.57:wow:

IDK how, I literally just sit down and stay completely silent.
Didn't know this existed.

I'm a 5.

Not a big Uber rider though.... maybe 15-20 times. Most of those in Vegas.
Random cuz I'm usually hammered.
I'll ask them to pass the AUX cord and bump Mexican music too
Have a 5.0 currently, never had a bad experience. Im usually headed to the airport on vacation so that's most of the conversation. Also talk about how I drive trucks and they're usually pretty fascinated about that.
4.68 with Lyft smh...a few months ago I was on the way to mcds & was told by my lyft driver I was at 5. I've been using it while drunk lately tho so something must have happened in the last few months lol
dudes tripping off a rating while being a passenger :smh:
reminds me of that black mirror episode
where everyone was walking around and had ratings on each other
never looked at my rating... wont look at it,,, unless its in my face..... the driver is suppose to drive me from point a to point b i could care less what they rate me,,, im not getting paid....lol
Don't stress about your rating, their ratings system is a failure... which they need to change badly. I drive for Uber and I can say the drivers are the most fickle people.They'll rate you low for all kinds of stuff from tipping (which I appreciate but know it's not required) to making them wait too long. I've even heard someone got a low rating for calling their driver Mr. Uber driver. I know a lot of Uber drivers who wont even accept a passengers ping if they are below a 4.6... it's worse for the drivers this is our breakdown:
5 stars=pass
4 stars=fail
3 stars=fail
2 stars=fail
1 star= fail
difference between driver and passenger is they'll never deactivate a passenger for low ratings, but a driver they'll deactivate a driver with a quickness. I save my 1 stars for vomiting 2 stars for just being jerks (had a passenger complain to Uber about the exterior of my car being dirty which got their hands dirty in the middle of a tropical storm, and not enough room for all of their luggage)... they were heading out of the country so you can imagine how much crap they had...cheapskates should have gotten an XL because I drive a small suv and I couldn't even see out of my back window. Everyone else I've ever rated is 5 stars. Just an fyi we can go back and change your rating days later, so tipping is probably the main reason some of you guys ratings are low... I don't rate bad for not tipping but most probably do.
I only give 5 star ratings and somehow I'm a 4.18. Probably because I don't tip as it's not 'expected' by the driver.
I've never taken Uber or Lyft.

Why would a passenger get a bad rating? Cutting cheese?

Really? Drunk bring obnoxious throwing up in the car, arguing with driver, being demand g like asking to be taken through a drive-thru, possibly eating in the car
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