When You Have Kids Will You Address Homosexuality To Them In Hopes Of Preventing It?

I am a lesbian and I mean "not what's up" as in people thinking its really a "wiable choice"..if it was, it wouldn't be the choiceI made. For all the drama and tears and the "we shouldn't be friends" I've had to deal with it, I'd have to be DUMB to decide to beunhappy..
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

People are not born gay, man up and take responsiblity for your decisions.
Nor are they born stupid? smarten up

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

... that's just plain stupid..

So basically, if your kid IS gay, you'll just make him hate himself because of it? Great parenting. The bottom line is that none of US live our lives for our parents, we live them for ourselves.Expecting your child to be different is outlandish. Lord knows I'd want my son to love the box as much or even more than his pops, but if he turns out to be gay, that's just who he is and what he likes. That's not for me to decide, regardless of how much disappointment I'd feel. It's HIS life.... and he's still MY son. And blood is thicker than anything else.
I would at least want to make him not have sex at all then. So if my son wanted to be gay then he can never have sex or even think about sex.

... how old are you honestly?
Ummm ok, ninjalamafrom hell, its a choice? Lets expand on that..since its a choice can you tell me at what age YOU stopped liking boys and decided to likefemales? Cause if sexuality was a choice, you'd have to coem to some conclusion as well, right? I mean if its a choice for gays, its gotta be a choiceEVERYONE makes..so I'm asking, when did YOU decide you wanted to be heterosexual?
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Ummm ok, ninjalamafrom hell, its a choice? Lets expand on that..since its a choice can you tell me at what age YOU stopped liking boys and decided to like females? Cause if sexuality was a choice, you'd have to coem to some conclusion as well, right? I mean if its a choice for gays, its gotta be a choice EVERYONE makes..so I'm asking, when did YOU decide you wanted to be heterosexual?
Even though this wasn't directed towards me, I remember when I first became aware/attracted to males
I was in kindergarten and I developed a sense of what I found attractive and what I didn't
It was very subtle but it happened...like you said everyone has that turning point... it may not be conscious but it's there...
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Ummm ok, ninjalamafrom hell, its a choice? Lets expand on that..since its a choice can you tell me at what age YOU stopped liking boys and decided to like females? Cause if sexuality was a choice, you'd have to coem to some conclusion as well, right? I mean if its a choice for gays, its gotta be a choice EVERYONE makes..so I'm asking, when did YOU decide you wanted to be heterosexual?
So on that logic rapists are born rapists, child molestors are born child molestors, that guy that died in Washington having sex with a horse wasborn that way. To answer your question around the age of 12 when chicks started getting boobs
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

What is it with lesbians? I mean goddamn, lets be serious. I understand that you (and I say you meaning whoever said that) may think that 2 women having sex is "sexy, ugghhh sooo nice." Cool, but are you gonna be thinking about your DAUGHTER like that? No, no you probably won't, so why does that make it "better" than a gay son? I remember being younger and watching my father beat my brother for playing with a Barbie doll, totally disgusted and confused considering the kid has 4 sisters and we all had dolls. His reason: "he'll be a +%@ playing with dolls."..WHAT? He's looking at a female doll, naked, but you'd rather him play with a male doll, complete with gun, destruction and the mentality that he's "the man"?

Maybe we need to have a discussion on raising your kids with some real social conscious, respect for each other/themselves and an open mind that the reality is that EVERYONE is different. I'd like to smack my parents everyday for the dumb $+%!, they told me. Be mindful that the things you teach your kids will manifest themselves and you may not like the result..

I understand most people won't read all that, but trust me, being gay is not what's up. I worry everyday about the friends ill lose when I come out, I deal with the rejection from my family and my church. And then I get to hear everyday about a society that condones this. Its not a party, its never been fun and if playing house with a man was an option, I'd hop on it. And prison sex, is not about "sex" in the common sense. It is about release and dominance of the partner..take a few minutes and think about the situation in all its aspects.
wait youre gay? but you think being gay is not wassup? HUH?1?!
No, he is saying that isn't the safest thing to do. Meaning that gays fight an uphill battle their entire lives because of their lifestylechoice. They are openly discriminated against, yet they choose a lifestyle they know that they want. Open your mind man, you are thinking with a narrow one.Think about the perspective a person who is gay, being gay is very hard thing to do. For this reason, I never hate on gays because of their lifestyle choice. Iunderstand that is a very hard thing to realize and to come to terms with. I am against discrimination in any gender or racially charged form. More power togay people for stepping up and doing what is right for themselves. It is not right to live in hiding.

SHAKE MY HEAD at you people who think you can pass moral judgment on someone's lifestyle choice. Stop living in your bubble.
No but I would have talks with them to discuss ignorance and ******ation in hopes of preventing it.
I use Court's logic whenever an issue with homosexuality arises. It's THAT simple. I never chose to like girls, I just do. And I don't like boys.That's just whio I am. I like a certain type of girl too, and for you to try to change that is ridiculous. I AM who I AM and I dig what I dig. Themost you can do is accomodate and accept me for who I am.

It's not hard for me to believe that it could be the same way from gay people. I don't see why more people can't get that
And I know that same feeling, but was it a "oh, I like boys" or was it an "oh I think I like that boy vs this girl." Because the latter isthe choice that people assume homosexuals make..I can remember the first girl I like and the first boy I made myself like as if it was yesterday. But to sayone group has a choice and another doesn't, just isn't logical. And that's the thing about NATURE it doesn't have to be based on human logiclike wed all like it to be..
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I use Court's logic whenever an issue with homosexuality arises. It's THAT simple. I never chose to like girls, I just do. And I don't like boys. That's just whio I am. I like a certain type of girl too, and for you to try to change that is ridiculous. I AM who I AM and I dig what I dig. The most you can do is accomodate and accept me for who I am.

It's not hard for me to believe that it could be the same way from gay people. I don't see why more people can't get that
if you talk to your kid (assuming he/she is gay) telling em negative things about homosexuality, that will just make them keep it a secret for longer andliving a lie. Then they'd be all depressed and $$#%, hating the world, etc. As long as the child is happy.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

What is it with lesbians? I mean goddamn, lets be serious. I understand that you (and I say you meaning whoever said that) may think that 2 women having sex is "sexy, ugghhh sooo nice." Cool, but are you gonna be thinking about your DAUGHTER like that? No, no you probably won't, so why does that make it "better" than a gay son? I remember being younger and watching my father beat my brother for playing with a Barbie doll, totally disgusted and confused considering the kid has 4 sisters and we all had dolls. His reason: "he'll be a +%@ playing with dolls."..WHAT? He's looking at a female doll, naked, but you'd rather him play with a male doll, complete with gun, destruction and the mentality that he's "the man"?

Maybe we need to have a discussion on raising your kids with some real social conscious, respect for each other/themselves and an open mind that the reality is that EVERYONE is different. I'd like to smack my parents everyday for the dumb $+%!, they told me. Be mindful that the things you teach your kids will manifest themselves and you may not like the result..

I understand most people won't read all that, but trust me, being gay is not what's up. I worry everyday about the friends ill lose when I come out, I deal with the rejection from my family and my church. And then I get to hear everyday about a society that condones this. Its not a party, its never been fun and if playing house with a man was an option, I'd hop on it. And prison sex, is not about "sex" in the common sense. It is about release and dominance of the partner..take a few minutes and think about the situation in all its aspects.
wait youre gay? but you think being gay is not wassup? HUH?1?!
No, he is saying that isn't the safest thing to do. Meaning that gays fight an uphill battle their entire lives because of their lifestyle choice. They are openly discriminated against, yet they choose a lifestyle they know that they want. Open your mind man, you are thinking with a narrow one. Think about the perspective a person who is gay, being gay is very hard thing to do. For this reason, I never hate on gays because of their lifestyle choice. I understand that is a very hard thing to realize and to come to terms with. I am against discrimination in any gender or racially charged form. More power to gay people for stepping up and doing what is right for themselves. It is not right to live in hiding.

SHAKE MY HEAD at you people who think you can pass moral judgment on someone's lifestyle choice. Stop living in your bubble.
He's a she. and yes she is a lesbian.

but yea smh at these people and i cant even use the "Immature NT kids" argument. A lot of people in this world think like that
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I use Court's logic whenever an issue with homosexuality arises. It's THAT simple. I never chose to like girls, I just do. And I don't like boys. That's just whio I am. I like a certain type of girl too, and for you to try to change that is ridiculous. I AM who I AM and I dig what I dig. The most you can do is accomodate and accept me for who I am.

It's not hard for me to believe that it could be the same way from gay people. I don't see why more people can't get that

Originally Posted by maldonado

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I use Court's logic whenever an issue with homosexuality arises. It's THAT simple. I never chose to like girls, I just do. And I don't like boys. That's just whio I am. I like a certain type of girl too, and for you to try to change that is ridiculous. I AM who I AM and I dig what I dig. The most you can do is accomodate and accept me for who I am.

It's not hard for me to believe that it could be the same way from gay people. I don't see why more people can't get that

Always bro. People who think anything other than what I said probably should stick to minded THEIR business.

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

What is it with lesbians? I mean goddamn, lets be serious. I understand that you (and I say you meaning whoever said that) may think that 2 women having sex is "sexy, ugghhh sooo nice." Cool, but are you gonna be thinking about your DAUGHTER like that? No, no you probably won't, so why does that make it "better" than a gay son? I remember being younger and watching my father beat my brother for playing with a Barbie doll, totally disgusted and confused considering the kid has 4 sisters and we all had dolls. His reason: "he'll be a +%@ playing with dolls."..WHAT? He's looking at a female doll, naked, but you'd rather him play with a male doll, complete with gun, destruction and the mentality that he's "the man"?

Maybe we need to have a discussion on raising your kids with some real social conscious, respect for each other/themselves and an open mind that the reality is that EVERYONE is different. I'd like to smack my parents everyday for the dumb $+%!, they told me. Be mindful that the things you teach your kids will manifest themselves and you may not like the result..

I understand most people won't read all that, but trust me, being gay is not what's up. I worry everyday about the friends ill lose when I come out, I deal with the rejection from my family and my church. And then I get to hear everyday about a society that condones this. Its not a party, its never been fun and if playing house with a man was an option, I'd hop on it. And prison sex, is not about "sex" in the common sense. It is about release and dominance of the partner..take a few minutes and think about the situation in all its aspects.
wait youre gay? but you think being gay is not wassup? HUH?1?!
No, he SHE is saying that isn't the safest thing to do. Meaning that gays fight an uphill battle their entire lives because of their lifestyle choice. They are openly discriminated against, yet they choose a lifestyle they know that they want. Open your mind man, you are thinking with a narrow one. Think about the perspective a person who is gay, being gay is very hard thing to do. For this reason, I never hate on gays because of their lifestyle choice. I understand that is a very hard thing to realize and to come to terms with. I am against discrimination in any gender or racially charged form. More power to gay people for stepping up and doing what is right for themselves. It is not right to live in hiding.

SHAKE MY HEAD at you people who think you can pass moral judgment on someone's lifestyle choice. Stop living in your bubble.

REAL-ER talk. That's as REAL as it gets.

Can we dead this thread now?
and that's why I heart you Rilla, but I've got dfriend that "don't condone" my "llifestyle" as if I go home and through on acostume and become this damn lesbian superhero. EVERYONE has a different lifestyle, that's what makes us unique. I'm not tryna "convert"anyone or even change anyones mind, that's not my intent, I just wanna let people know that sometimes the things you might THINK you know, aren'treality for (some of ) those in the specific situation..I can't speak as an Asian man, cause I'm not on. I can only make ASSUMPTIONS and you know whatthey say about those..
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

People are not born gay, man up and take responsiblity for your decisions.
Are uuuuuuuu gay?
, unless you're gay, how can u somatter of factly say that? Nobody chooses that @+@%. U see these documentaries and interviews, and in retrospect they know they were different at a youngage...but they couldn't put a finger on it...they were too young to understand those feelings. How can u discredit that? If I cant relate to something,I'ma take that person's word for it. It's their body and feelings. I canttell u when you're hungry? or whenit's time to go to the bathroom...
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