Where were you during 9/11 ?

Apr 15, 2004
Was at the doctors. ....... it was a school day and i got to be excused.

I remember my mother and i were in the waiting area when it came on the news.

patients...janitors....nurses....police....doctors...all huddled around.

Extremely sad day

5th grade, saw the smoke from the Towers from our classroom windows. Within the hour my dad picked me up and we waited for my mom to somehow get home from the city (she worked near the Empire State Building). Turns out she had to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and a family friend gave her a ride home.

R.I.P to all the innocent victims and not enough of a shoutout can be made for the first responders and all that made an effort to help.
Was at school while it happened I think. I remember having nightmares about it for a few days despite living in Belgium.
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7th grade math class in Mt. Vernon, NY.

One teacher ran in the room and said "the first one just fell." Kids had no idea what he was talking about. He came back later saying "they just hit the second one."

That is one of my most vivid memories.

May the victims RIP.
In DC heading to computer programming class as a sophomore ih high school. Saw the second plane hit live on TV. Thought it was a movie. Once the Pentagon got hit they let us out early and DC was on locked down.

I will never forget the silence outside because planes were not in the air.

Still remember the smell of burnt carnage and human flesh driving past the Pentagon a few days later.

Such an awful day.
In Brooklyn; I think every child in NY had their parents pull them out of school that morning. **** was crazy. Saw the smoke from our roof.

Ma dukes worked up the block from the towers, had to walk across the bridge to get home since the city was shut down. She saw dudes jumping from the towers from the bridge.

As kids you don't really understand the gravity of that ****. Most everybody the next day bragged about how their parents got them out of school and they got to go home early
In Brooklyn; I think every child in NY had their parents pull them out of school that morning. **** was crazy. Saw the smoke from our roof.

Ma dukes worked up the block from the towers, had to walk across the bridge to get home since the city was shut down. She saw dudes jumping from the towers from the bridge.

As kids you don't really understand the gravity of that ****. Most everybody the next day bragged about how their parents got them out of school and they got to go home early

I didn't understand it at all until my mom got home way later from work than normal. That wait had me :frown: .
6th grade .........teacher got a phone call and then she explained to us as we didnt know what we were looking at on TV , just the building on fire 
Junior year in HS. Walked into school late that morning because statewide testing was going on and I already passed the test sophomore year. I'm in a study hall with my track coach and the girl's basketball coach walks in...whispers something to him and he has this "Oh really?" look on his face.

He turns the TV on...Matt Lauer and Katie Couric on The Today Show. I didn't immediately think terrorism because hijacked planes usually have demands like the movies...right? Then boom...another plane hits...and then the Pentagon is on fire...and then the first tower falls...and then the second.

It's still crazy to me how fast everything happened. I will say that after the first tower fell, it was time to return to normal class and I will NEVER forgive my science teacher for turning off the TV during an American tragedy to teach us about metamorphic rocks.

Cross country practice got cancelled and the gas stations were unbelievably packed. I went home and watched rescue efforts all night. I also went on AOL and searched for people with WTC in their profiles...found a lot of workers and sent them messages hoping that they made it out. No replies. Sad day.
I was a freshman in college. I was in an 8 oclock class when it happened. lol We didn't even stop. People were talking about it in passing in the 9 oclock class.

Went to the student center after class and ****** was cracking jokes about the revolution and stuff. About an hour later they shut down campus. We thought it was OD like, "Really? Terrorist gonna attack Pensacola, Fl??? :rolleyes". Then, I went home and watched it on the news. The buildings going down, people jumping...it was surreal, like watching a movie. IDK being in small town Florida, the gravitude of what was happening didnt really sink in immediately. It probably wasn't until all the TV specials and fundraisers and such it really it that that was real, actually happened and that was to high rise building full of people. :smh:

RIP to the victims.
Freshman year in HS (Brooklyn Tech). Was in math class and suddenly hurt a loud rumbling noise. I thought the dude next to me was farting until I looked out the window. Saw smoke coming from one of the towers and my teacher closed the shade and continue with his lesson. It wasn't until my next class where my teacher told us it was a terrorist attack. Never forget.
Starting 8th grade. Catholic school so we had a small meeting when it happened shortly after parents came to pick us up. Traffic was crazy. I felt nothing.

Went home and played ps1. More mad that hot97 was taken over by some national news for a whole week. 

Still hasnt really hit me. 
I think i was in 4th grade, walking the hallway going to the bathroom when they announced over the intercom that they were sending everyone home due to an emergency. I came home turned on the tv & it was EVERYWHERE. No matter the channel
I was in 7th grade, everyone was getting pulled out and I was wondering why I was still at school. I was living in Far Rockaway at the time and could see the city across Jamaica Bay. I remember seeing the smoke for what felt like 2 weeks. Crazy times
School, 5th grade. I was itting in class when we heard a loud boom, then out of no where my step mom came to get me with tears in her eyes. Everybody in the class knew something was wrong. Me and my lil bro went to the same school, my bro was so young he told me a plane landed on top of the towers, then when I get outside and see it burning I knew exactly what he was trying to say

Very sad day, first and only time i seen new yorkers help each other out regardless of race, gender, age, etc.

We got on the last train going to brooklyn across the manhattan bridge, thats when we saw one of the towers fell, everybody looking out the windows, ppl crying, it was nuts

The dust cloud took months for it to fully clear from ground zero, the smell is something I will never forget

RIP to all the victims and condolences to families and friends
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A day that will forever live in my mind. Mom was working at the world financial center across the street. I was working in Long Island at the time, at MCI worldcom wireless. (Anyone even remember them) Anyways, Im on the phone with a client, when he said a plane hit one of the towers. At this time, we had no TV's as it was a call center, so I was thinking, a small one passenger plane may have hit the tower, and thought wow, that sucks... Then all of a sudden, all my colleagues one by one getting up. People are crying, I scour the internet, and viewing images of smoke and a gaping whole out of the tower.

I just remember trying to contact my mom. At this point, I took for granted where she worked, and that she could quite possibly be in that tower. But, cell lines were jammed, there was no way to communicate. I remember after the first tower went down, there was an urgent panick. Everyone ran out to try to get to there loved ones working in Manhattan. I will never, forget that drive home.. As I saw every single Firefighting company from every town in long island, rushing to the city... While listening to whats going on on the radio, I felt, in one word, helpless. Everyone is driving towards the city, from car to car the look I saw on peoples faces were horrific. It was as if, we all just witnessed the single most horrific thing in our lifetime happen, and we are rite there desperate to help in one way or another.

As I got home some 3-4 hours later (Normal commute was 30 min tops) I still had not heard from my mother. I was balling watching images on TV, and seeing people covered in ash.. I had no contact with anyone, and I was desperate to hear from someone...

Finally, at about 6pm, I hear from my mother. She had to run accross the brooklyn bridge, and figure out a way back as the city was shut down. With there being no cell service, and landline service being sparse, it was impossible to get in contact... Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind, but fortunatly, my mother made it home that day. The storys she told me of what she saw, will forever haunt my mind. Chilling things I would not care to repeat, however I can say this... It made me appreciate life that much more. To know that anything can happen tomorrow, so you must live for today..................NEVER FORGET.... I know I wont.
^Mom worked not too far and she had to walk home also, was worried about her the whole dam time man I know the feeling
Tampa Florida.

I was working a Janet Jackson concert in Tampa that night.

Woke up and did what I do. Turn on ESPN.

At some point I called my boss to go over some tickets for the show. And he's like "I can't believe you even got through".

I ask why.

He's says "have you not seen what's going on here"?

"No, what's up".

"Turn on the TV".

"It is on. I'm watching Sportscenter".

"Change the ******* channel".

And I did. And sat alone in a hotel room in Tampa stunned for the next several hours.

I was a native NYer living in FL for a few years for work. I can't even really put into words how it felt watching those iconic buildings fall.

At one point, I actually temped for a company in the World Trade Center. And I thought about some of the people in that office. And whether or not they were even alive anymore.

**** ****** me up.
10th grade Spanish II. We were going over the homework we had. The French teacher bursts in and tells my teacher what happened, me bein the tallest in the class, I turn on our lil tv and its already on the channel which was odd. We're watching dude do the broadcast talking about the first plane hitting. We're all confused because we're from Harrisburg, PA and didn't know anything about a World Trade Center. I blink, and as soon as I do, the second plane hits.

The whole school day was off. we're watching it pretty much the whole day. Then we hear about the Pentagon and reports about one flying towards 3 Mile Island, that's when everybody panicked and started picking their kids up early, etc. They said the one that was shot down in Summerset County, PA was headed there and if it had made it and collided, the nuclear blast could've stretched out as far as Philly (2hrs from Harrisburg)

All bad man. They're like the structure is strong enough to withstand xyz amount of heat, then it just imploded.
Can't really remember to well I know I was in middle school we didn't know what was happening but it came over the intercoms to let students leave due to an emergency.

Fam the thing I will always vividly remember is the people jumping from the building one of the craziest things I have ever seen on live TV. Just sat there wondering how horrible it must of been that jumping from that altitude was your best choice.
Second week of second grade. Randomly all classes were over and they every so gently told us that the twin towers were hit in manhattan. I was scared because I knew my mom worked in manhattan. But my mom came to get me and then we went home. No TV signals. She said it was because there were antennas that had been blocked or knocked down or something like that. The next month we got cable. If there was no 9/11 who knows when my mom would've gotten us cable.
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