Which NBA baller has the perfect jump shot?

I used to think joe johnson and rick hamilton got stroke. But who do you think has the perfect jump shot form in the NBA?
Ray Allen, Melo. Kobe and Billups too. Martell Webster has a pretty nice looking shot. Not consistent enough for me though.
..or not

Ray starts the ball out too far on the left side of his body.

JJ Redick's form > *
Edit: The jerkoff with the camera missed half his shots, but�he hit 24 out of 25.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

..or not

Ray starts the ball out too far on the left side of his body.

JJ Redick's form > *
All jokes man
Ray starts the ball out too far on the left side of his body.
He also fades right to left in the air a lot of times, instead of landing in the same spot he jumped from.
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