Which one of you did this?

Aug 11, 2007
[h1]Abandoned Ferrari Enzo to be auctioned in Dubai[/h1]
Based on the cars that usually feature in the videos we get from Dubai, we can't really call the tale of this Ferrari Enzo that outrageous. Pictures of the dusty stallion have been zooming around the Internet while the real thing sat in a police impound lot for reasons that have never been clear – rumors ranged from it being hot goods in transit to China, to a casualty of the authorities for having been caught doing insane speeds on the Emirates Road.

According to a story in the Daily Mail, the truth is a bit more prosaic: the owner was a British businessman who couldn't pay traffic fines and who knows what else almost two years ago, so he abandoned the limited-edition thoroughbred to its fate. The police are going to send it to auction with 128 other vehicles, 23 of which are other luxury vehicles that were each burdened with fines anywhere from $26,761 to $27,225.

Most of the auction fodder was owned by companies; only 18 were individually owned. The auction is expected to be the biggest Dubai has ever held, but folks who bid on the Enzo should read the terms carefully: we can't see anyone abandoning million-dollar car for a $27,000 fine, so there's likely another payout lurking somewhere in order to take ownership. In addition to the cleaning bill.

Always wondered what dubai was gonna do about all of the abandoned cars over there. Supposedly the story is times got rough
over there and a bunch of Americans that took jobs over there were suddenly unemployed, then pretty much packed up and got the
hell out of dodge to avoid prison over there.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Always wondered what dubai was gonna do about all of the abandoned cars over there. Supposedly the story is times got rough
over there and a bunch of Americans that took jobs over there were suddenly unemployed, then pretty much packed up and got the
hell out of dodge to avoid prison over there.

Damn.. If that's true, it would make a great documentary.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

@Cj avoid prison from what charges?

Unpaid debts. It's pretty much illegal to be in debt over there and Dubai is notorious for its strict Muslim state. Apparently they'llcut your head off for even minor offenses.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

@Cj avoid prison from what charges?

Unpaid debts. It's pretty much illegal to be in debt over there and Dubai is notorious for its strict Muslim state. Apparently they'llcut your head off for even minor offenses.
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