who here takes Vitamins and supplements?

Nov 17, 2007
gingko, saw palmetto,omega 3,calcium,etc.

i have a cabinet full of junk and im not sure if i should be taking them all at once or each one periodically for a couple of months
Ginko's useless. Take a good multivitamin for starters. Calcium if you don't get a lot of dairy in your diet.
Centrum does your body good....so the box tells me.

But for real, it's big business and there's no conclusive data that I've come across
that shows it's efficiency. For all we know, 90% could end up at the other end.
why is gingko useless? i hear it promotes blood circulation and someone told me that omega 3 promotes healthy lungs and helps asthma i havent looked it upyet..

i guess if you're popping them without food then they'll most likely run through.. but if its with certain foods then it'll get in your system
I take fish oil.

When I had a huge allergic reaction on my face I read somewhere it helps reduce redness and I was willing to try anything so I bought them and have been usingthem ever since. They're very good supplements to take everyday especially if you don't eat a lot of fish.
I just picked up Mega Man Sport...supposed to be good daily and promote energy...I've been exhausted 24/7 lately so hopefully it helps...I figure thesevitamins and minerals are in the food we eat anyways and since we don't eat how we should we need to supplement our diet so it can only benefit...
i take centrum, don't really know if helps all that much but it doesn't hurt to take it anyway.
instead of fish oil, y'all should try flax seed oil. it contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium,fiber, protein, and zinc and also provides approximately 50% more omega-3 oils than what you could get from taking fish oil.

more about it here: http://ga.essortment.com/whatisflaxsee_pfy.htm
All these ole "one-a-day" type _____
watch out with the vitamins don't be taking them everyday. maybe two three times a week. i forgot where i read it, but it is bad for males and the prostate
Originally Posted by mieraviking

watch out with the vitamins don't be taking them everyday. maybe two three times a week. i forgot where i read it, but it is bad for males and the prostate

thats what im talking about.. i never heard that it'll harm you
but wont certain vitamins block each other if you're taking more than one?
Originally Posted by mieraviking

watch out with the vitamins don't be taking them everyday. maybe two three times a week. i forgot where i read it, but it is bad for males and the prostate
there is nuttin wrong with a daily multi-vitamin.
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