who here takes Vitamins and supplements?

Multi-vitamins are good for you. I did hear though if you take too much vitamin C like over a 1000mgs of it, it does affect your
I take Zinc also. I feel like it has helped me avoid getting sick this winter.
Need to get some type of Omega oils in my diet.
For the naturalists out there. Raw honey from the Wholefoods is really good supposed to help immune system I think.
I take too many to list
centrium, fish oil, calcium/magnesium/zinc, and last and definitely not least THC
all these _____ oils. What do they do for you? My mom takes flax oil but i never knew what it was
Whey Protein
Creatine- NO Explode
I was thinking of stacking Cell Mass with NO Explode.
Can anyone offer any help? Gains? Increases?
I have made gains with NO Explode but feel like i need a post workout supplement. Sometimes i am very sore.
I know Gluatime helps with soreness.
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