who read ben ballers latest blog entry....vol dude speaking the truth about Tyler Perry

Why Did I Get Married was a good movie, and Daddy's Little Girls was decent too. Only two TP movies I've seen.
Tyler Perry makes money of making a complete mockery of black people and people actually have the nerve to support it? I don't care if hewas the first black man to go to Mars and back, he's caking off ****ery. I don't know how anybody of any race, but especially blacks, can find this guyto be even moderately entertaining. It's one thing to play off stereotypes to make humor, it's another to display people as just downright ignorant andobnoxious... it's even worse when said people are the ones supporting it
I think people go to see his movies to be entertain it's that simple, people reaching to hard, folks just want a good laugh it's that simple all thiscoonery and stuff is too serious, I don't think it was that serious until ben baller spoke up on it
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