Who would’ve thought Seinfeld is more woke than Chris Rock

Never expected someone like him to start pandering with low hanging fruit.
How long before he "jokes" about being bilingual in America?

"Hahaha, I can't believe they would come here and speak Spanish."

*Red America laughs*
*****s really managed to make Social Justice seem like a bad thing.

because it reeks of paternalistic pretentious holier than thou moral superiority bull spit tripe that i already had my fill of from da evangelist right wing in their prime power era in da 80's.

are u really half puerto rican b? boriquas post to be made of stuff a lil bit more impenetrable that some damp bounty rolls.
because it reeks of paternalistic pretentious holier than thou moral superiority bull spit tripe that i already had my fill of from da evangelist right wing in their prime power era in da 80's.

are u really half puerto rican b? boriquas post to be made of stuff a lil bit more impenetrable that some damp bounty rolls.

You're acting as if all of what constitutes social justice occurs in the manner you're describing. YoureY overlooking the good it does because a little of the bad. I don't understand how anyone can be againnst social justice based on it's definiton

This also relates to people always one side crotiquing the PC climate were in. The problem is not checking people on **** that they shouldn't be saying and doing. The problem is when people try to check everyone for everything they say and do. Like I said, just focusing on the bad, overexaggerated aspects of it. We should want to be in a society where people can't freely do what the **** they want.
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you don't need to be accountable for being UNFUNNY!
he didn't do anything but say something you found UNFUNNY.
the backlash is similar to someone that actually set a person of color back.

yet and still if Chris Rock and Louis CK are pariahs...
let's see Donald Glover

I'm waiting on you to tell Donald he's wrong.
I'm waiting on a backlash similar to Chris Rock's.

I have the day off, I should @ every social justice warrior in this thread. let's see how selectively woke people want to be in 2019 :lol::lol::lol:

brivera716 brivera716 @servechilled81 @Humbled @nawghtyhare @fluid hips @enlightenedespot tay1 tay1 @freeze @Top Boy @harlemtothebronx @dcallamerican @dakingii


Never seen that "skit" but that was a pretty ****ty skit. The "joke" was poorly executed and went on way to long. I don't care if Eddie Murphy did the joke it was poor taste and a dumb idea. Any idea how old this segment is? Donald Glover looks pretty young and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt this was early on in his career. However are comparing apples to apples here, because Louis is a habitual line crosser using the N word. Hard for me to crucify someone for doing something once as a teenager versus a grown adult in his 40's or 50's doing the same thing now in today's political climate.
It fits the outrage people have over a joke.
Even more so when it comes from "allies" aka non poc.
I respect people feeling uncomfortable as I would if tables were turned, but I don't call for the silencing of anyone, or self-serving preaching.

Who told Louis CK to shut up? People are simply observing the kind of people his comedy is appealing to and making other people aware of that.
Louis is a habitual line crosser.
And this is what bad comedians (and their fans) don't get. They either think that bad taste = funny or they don't know where the line between funny and crass is. Bill Burr knows. Chris Rock knows. That's why they can talk about sensitive **** and make it hilarious.
Never seen that "skit" but that was a pretty ****ty skit. The "joke" was poorly executed and went on way to long. I don't care if Eddie Murphy did the joke it was poor taste and a dumb idea. Any idea how old this segment is? Donald Glover looks pretty young and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt this was early on in his career. However are comparing apples to apples here, because Louis is a habitual line crosser using the N word. Hard for me to crucify someone for doing something once as a teenager versus a grown adult in his 40's or 50's doing the same thing now in today's political climate.

Inconsistent wokeness hrmmmm.
Video says 9 years, but i'm certain it's older. As an actual fan of comedy I recall all those videos were originally posted without that derickcomedy url, hence why quality is trash.
At some point, when they make enough money and get a taste of that good life, the Chris Rocks, the Kanye Wests and the Cam Newtons of America, cross a line. A line after which they're not in the "black people" category anymore, but in the "rich people" category.

After you cross this line, there's no coming back. It's a whole new ball game: A fantasy land which consists of forests full of lynched black people hanging from trees, who were lynched because they chose to be lynched, and you see plenty of ra****s feasting on juicy biscuits all day.
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