Who's driving less nowadays - carpooling, strategies?

Nov 22, 2002
I used to drive all over the place, leave my apt - in and out - but now with the push over $4.50 for premium 92 - I'm more willing to carpool to work, tovisit friends round socal...shopping I try to do online too..errands I try to run and get done - all one trip - trying to be smart and strategize my drivingpatterns. I work in an insurance office and I know a lot of people that have just sold their cars - stopped driving alltogether.
i live across the street from a mall in socal so i save there bars food etc all in the outdoor mall, for work and school i ride my yamaha......
I've started to drive less and carpool to school & events more often with friends now with the gas prices going up.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I've been carpooling almost everyday for the last 9-10 yrs

no change in habits

I guess its a good way to start a good habit.....
I'm definitely driving less. In my 2nd car I've put 18,000ish miles on in 10 months. In my 3rd car, I've put 30k miles on the dot on in about 16months. Now I have 22,000ish miles after 15 months in my 4th car. I no longer go out on canyon runs or cruising at night. Often a time now when I go out, ifit's going to be more than a 10 mile drive..I make it a multiple trip...ie going to the post office, then grocery, and pick up the dry cleaning or whathave you.

I can't carpool and L.A.'s public transportation sucks big time.
I'd like to add...
I rode my bicycle all over college as well.. I rarely took a car or even the public buses for that matter...for anyone who went to RU NB, and knows how manydiff campuses there are...that's quite a feat
My driving habits have not changed at all. I still mash out everywhere I go. And I go everywhere.
My car got totalled last March, and I haven't bothered to replace it. I catch a ride to work with a co-worker, or my girlfriend drops me off and picks meup. In the summer I ride my mountain bike or my motorcycle.
I just plan about driving more. Like ok I get hair cuts this day, so ill do my mall trip and grocery that day too. Not all seperated. I just look at what Ihave planned for the week.
I drive to work and back. If I have to make a trip anywhere else, it will be to a place near work either before or after. None of this heading home and thenback out to the mall 17 miles away.

And on the weekend, my car literally doesn't move unless I run down the street to grab some beer from Publix. I always have these great plans to head outto the mall to check out the sales on the weekend, but then I think about that 35 mile roundtrip and how much my whip kills gas. No thanks.
Who's driving less nowadays - carpooling, strategies?
not me i drive the same now as i did before gas got outrageous. Ill never let gas prices stop me from where i got to go. Gas is a necessity i meanit is what is
When I'm going somewhere with a group of people, I usually make someone else drive. I use to love driving people around. Not anymore.
I need to find someone to carpool with---and I am NO LONGER driving with the air on. My mom made me turn on the air cuz she was ridin' wit' me and Iknow she'd start complaining---I almost went thru half a tank today!!!
I've been donating plasma ever since gas got up to $2.00 a gallon. A nice win/win situation.
We ALL have to cut back on our driving as much as we can- that's the only way gas will come down in the short term.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ehh, never really drove a lot anyway, but on a scale of 1-10 (10 = driving A LOT)I'm at a 6[/color]
no change in habits for me still driving as much as ever just think a little about the gas before i leave...surprisingly $40 put 3/4 tank in my tahoe just nowso the gas monster still hasn't hit me yet...the only thing really bothering me is 12mpg in the truck
gas guzzling sumumabich
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