why is fox in love with joe the plumber

i guess its a lil better than "Joe SixPack"

dude is silly anyways...i just heard him talking on yahoo
Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only make 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

word....or just people in general who decide not to go to school because they cant afford it. His views on education is what won me over
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only make 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

word....or just people in general who decide not to go to school because they cant afford it. His views on education is what won me over

Yep and I believe Joe the Plumber doesn't like to share either
.I'm so tired of people flipping out over the stock market and people flipping who are making a fair amount of dough. I'm was just sitting here watchingthe news for like the past week and these people are crazy. Making 80,000-500,000 a year and panicing. Stop it. I don't care about cost of living, $100thouh is a $100 thouh. You can still take it anywhere and have a nice life. I know people who Moms or families only bringing in $22-30 thouh and they ainttripping worse than dudes on CNBC. People just need to chill and go over that budget before making crazy choices. And Joe the Plumber
. $250,000 thouh a year and complaining. Hush
Talk about backfire:

`Joe the Plumber,' Obama Tax-Plan Critic, Owes Taxes (Update1)

By Ryan J. Donmoyer

Oct. 16 (Bloomberg) -- ``Joe the plumber,'' the Toledo, Ohio, man whose complaints about Barack Obama's tax plan were highlighted by John McCain inthe final presidential debate, owes the state of Ohio almost $1,200 in back income taxes.

According to records on file with the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, the state filed a tax lien against Samuel J. Wurzelbacher for $1,182.98 on Jan. 26,2007, that is still active.

Wurzelbacher was thrust into the national spotlight this week when he told Obama he worried that the Illinois senator's proposals to roll back Bushadministration tax breaks for Americans earning more than $250,000 would prevent him from buying a plumbing business that would earn between $250,000 and$280,000 a year.

McCain, an Arizona Republican senator, pointed to the exchange during the debate last night when he turned to the camera and said, ``I will not stand for a taxincrease on small-business income.'' Directly criticizing Obama, he added, ``what you want to do to `Joe the plumber' and millions more like him ishave their taxes increased and not be able to realize the American dream of owning their own business.''

Today, at a rally in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, McCain said ``the real winner last night was `Joe the plumber.'''

On Oct. 12, as Obama was campaigning door-to-door in suburban Toledo, Wurzelbacher confronted the Democratic presidential nominee about his tax plan.

`American Dream'

``Do you believe in the American dream?'' Wurzelbacher asked before asking about the tax increase. ``I'm being taxed more and more for fulfillingthe American dream.''

Wurzelbacher's home telephone number is unlisted, and efforts to reach him by calling his neighbors and family were unsuccessful. Attempts to reachWurzelbacher at the plumbing company where he works were also unsuccessful. The address on the lien and other records for him matched the address published bythe Toledo Blade, which also noted the lien.

The state of Ohio places a lien on real property after several steps to try to collect a tax debt, according to John Kohlstrand, a spokesman for the OhioDepartment of Taxation who said he couldn't discuss any specific case.

Delinquency Notice

If a delinquency notice goes unheeded, the Department of Taxation issues a billing notice, Kohlstrand said. If that is ignored, a more formal assessment noticeis sent. Failing to appeal an assessment or losing an appeal puts the debt into the hands of the state attorney general for collection. The attorney generaltypically sends a collection notice and simultaneously files a lien.

``The taxpayers may not necessarily know about the lien,'' Kohlstrand said, although they would receive other notices.

In Wurzelbacher's case, the lien indicated that the notice was sent to a previous address in Toledo.

Ray Ann Estep, section chief for revenue-recovery services for the Ohio attorney general, said Wurzelbacher's lien was filed six months after theDepartment of Taxation certified the debt for collection.

``Unfortunately, sometimes people don't resolve their debts as quickly as we would like them to,'' she said.

Obama's Plan

In addition to tax credits and a proposal that would allow Wurzelbacher to avoid paying capital-gains taxes if he ever sold the business he wants to acquirefor a profit, Obama has proposed allowing the top two tax rates of 33 percent and 35 percent to revert to what they were during the Clinton administration, or36 percent and 39.6 percent, respectively.

In 2007, the 33 percent bracket kicked in for taxable income exceeding $195,851.

Under Obama's proposal, Wurzelbacher would face about $900 more in taxes if he netted $280,000 of income from his new business and had to pay an extra 3percentage points on the amount over $195,851, said Gerald Prante, a senior economist at the Tax Foundation, a Washington research group that is examining bothcandidates' plans.

``His average tax burden, the final bill he pays to the IRS isn't going to go up much if he's just making $280,000 a year,'' Prante said. Hewould face higher marginal tax costs to expand the business beyond that, he said.

Not Taxable Income

It's far more likely that the $280,000 Wurzelbacher told Obama he'd earn would be in the form of gross receipts and not taxable income, said StevenBankler, a certified public accountant in San Antonio, who counts plumbers and other trade professionals as his clients.

By the time Wurzelbacher took proper business deductions, Bankler said, he'd be left with between $150,000 and $200,000 in taxable income and wouldn'tbe affected by Obama's proposed increase in the top rates.

Wurzelbacher might eventually have to pay more employment taxes under Obama's plan to impose a rate of between 2 percent and 4 percent on wages over$250,000, Bankler said, but Obama has said that change wouldn't take effect for a decade.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ryan J. Donmoyer in Washington at rdonmoyer@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: October 16, 2008 15:58 EDT
And guess what.. the guy doesn't even have a Plumbing License.

Joseph Wurzelbacher, more commonly known to Americans as "Joe The Plumber", after his tough, but fair-minded, questioning of presidential candidate Barack Obama's tax policy made him the unexpected focus of the third presidential debate, is not actually registered, nor licensed, as a plumber in his home state of Ohio, reported the Toledo Blade on Thursday.
However, in contrast to reports in the media that Joe Wurzelbacher was not registered to vote, state records show that Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (Joe's real full name) is currently registered as a Republican, and voted in the March primary for Republican candidate John McCain.

According to the Toledo Blade, a check of state and local licensing agencies in Ohio and Michigan shows no plumbing licenses under Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher's name, or even misspellings of his name. Where the confusion comes is that Wurzelbacher told reporters on Thursday that he worked for Newell Plumbing & Heating Co., a small local firm whose business addresses flow back to several residential homes.

Lucas County Building Inspection records show that the company does maintain a plumbing license in Toledo, and in the state of Ohio, but does not have a license to operate outside Lucas County, which is where Wurzelbacher currently resides.

Wurzelbacher said he works under owner Al Newell's license, but according to Ohio building regulations, he must maintain his own license to do plumbing work. State records show that Wurzelbacher does not have that license, but is currently working on obtaining it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WEgonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all aboutbeing reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.
He's a middle class working american that shares the same views on Obama's tax plan as the Fox network.

Since McCain a Palin couldn't do it, Fox is using this guy to try to convince the undecided voters to see things his way.
And guess what.. the guy doesn't even have a Plumbing License.

So it's been confirmed that Joe the Plumber is indeed a fraud
, yeah he fits right in with the Republican party.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.

That's why we gotta work on this educational system we have here, rise people out of this ignorant cycle of poverty.

I never had a family to rely on for support growing up and the schools I went to were terrible, If it wasn't for my self-determination and the goals that Ihave, I don't know where I be right now.

With the perspective that I have I can easily look down and wag my finger at Sherry. That's the easy way out.

But as as human species, social species, it's our fundamental obligation to help each other, and especially help those unfortunate enough to be dealt abad hand at life right out of the womb.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only make 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

word....or just people in general who decide not to go to school because they cant afford it. His views on education is what won me over

Yep and I believe Joe the Plumber doesn't like to share either
. I'm so tired of people flipping out over the stock market and people flipping who are making a fair amount of dough. I'm was just sitting here watching the news for like the past week and these people are crazy. Making 80,000-500,000 a year and panicing. Stop it. I don't care about cost of living, $100 thouh is a $100 thouh. You can still take it anywhere and have a nice life. I know people who Moms or families only bringing in $22-30 thouh and they aint tripping worse than dudes on CNBC. People just need to chill and go over that budget before making crazy choices. And Joe the Plumber
. $250,000 thouh a year and complaining. Hush
co-sign the 3 of you. and RKO, the way you write "thouh" is ugly. Stick wit "K".
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.

what if Sherry was married and her husband died in Iraq? Would you take the same position?
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.
But if a mother/father know he/she or both made mistakes at one point in their life should they not receive some type of help? This is America.Everyone wants to talk about Patriotism and one for all and all for one but when it comes down to it the same people wont do a thing but sit back and say"well they should of thought about it". This is why the world is the way it is. The people who made mistakes when they were young who are trying tocorrect them get shafted by the a-holes saying "not my problem. I gotta worry about my 401K". If I ever get in a position of power in this countryI'm changing things.

co-sign the 3 of you. and RKO, the way you write "thouh" is ugly. Stick wit "K".
Originally Posted by Air Messiah

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.

That's why we gotta work on this educational system we have here, rise people out of this ignorant cycle of poverty.

I never had a family to rely on for support growing up and the schools I went to were terrible, If it wasn't for my self-determination and the goals that I have, I don't know where I be right now.

With the perspective that I have I can easily look down and wag my finger at Sherry. That's the easy way out.

But as as human species, social species, it's our fundamental obligation to help each other, and especially help those unfortunate enough to be dealt a bad hand at life right out of the womb.

I agree and we do need to help people out. But, at the same time, we are continuing to address the symptoms rather than the problem. Thats why, like you said,education is key. That doesnt only mean classroom education, but also real world education; How to budget, how to interview, how to use birth control, how toapply to college etc.....We need to get to them before the pregnancy, not after.

Originally Posted by alejanz28

what if Sherry was married and her husband died in Iraq? Would you take the same position?

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Air Messiah

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Forget Joe, what about Sherry the single mother of 3 and only makes 27,000 a year and wants to go back to school to better her and her kids lives?

Sherry is struggling to make ends meet because she has 3 kids she cant afford, she put heself in that position. So now she's societies problem, what are WE gonna do for Sherry, how can WE help Sherry? Uh....How bout you dont have kids, we need to stop giving people a free pass when it comes to this. Its all about being reactive rather than proactive, but who am I.

That's why we gotta work on this educational system we have here, rise people out of this ignorant cycle of poverty.

I never had a family to rely on for support growing up and the schools I went to were terrible, If it wasn't for my self-determination and the goals that I have, I don't know where I be right now.

With the perspective that I have I can easily look down and wag my finger at Sherry. That's the easy way out.

But as as human species, social species, it's our fundamental obligation to help each other, and especially help those unfortunate enough to be dealt a bad hand at life right out of the womb.

I agree and we do need to help people out. But, at the same time, we are continuing to address the symptoms rather than the problem. Thats why, like you said, education is key. That doesnt only mean classroom education, but also real world education; How to budget, how to interview, how to use birth control, how to apply to college etc.....

Yeah the school system does a horrible job getting us ready for the world.
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