Why text me when you have nothing to say?

i cosign with mostly everybody on this thread in regards of one word replies, hey whats up and thats all text and the lack of trying to keep the convo going. ihate it when a person does this every other day or 2-3 days in a row, smh at me not deading it. this %$#% kills me. imma definitely start droping BRBs or notreply..
hahahaha man this happens to me all the time.. im always like man what was the point of hittin me up. its worse when they call tho, cuz theres that awkwardsilence and you're js like uh... aite then, im out...
yeah. and sometimes they have you waiting and waiting

pure truth
yeah it's nonsense. I don't really care though, because I'm always open to talk.
I guess I find it funny and lame if they reallly have nothing to say or I.M./txt me for no reason though
Even more unappreciated when someone you really don't like that much does that. That definitely won't get me to like you any less.
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