wisdom you have picked up over the years

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.
how old are you' famb?
cuz tha was 
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Signing up for the military you don't belong to yourself anymore and that you are the US government's property while your in.

Glad I didn't join the military. Even though my pops a retired Navy Chief kept pushing me to join and I came close a couple times.

Bottom Line is: Military just isn't for everyone.
This is definitely true, I hated it, and I'm glad that I'm getting out in a couple months
but that whole "you dont belong to yourself anymore, you're US government property" line is pretty much false.  I have been in one of the most %$%!%% chains of command in the entire Marine Corps, and for the most part there is still a human side.  You are still allowed to go home, especially if its to take care of family business, you're allowed to take time off for a newborn baby, attend weddings ect.  Obviously there are going to be things that you have to do, that you dont want to do; but thats all part of the game...
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.

Don't go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.

Oversleeping will not make your dreams come true.
NEVER buy anything for the full retail price. Always look around for a cheaper price. If you can't find a better price, use coupons/coupon codes. You don't get rich by spending.
I agree about wisdom not falling into quotes, but they are short summations of how things play out. I'm sure I'll be back in this thread because I have learned a lot. Here are some:

-"What's right isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always right".

This x1000. In fact, the conventional wisdom is often wrong. Stay foolish.
Two my grandfather used to say that kinda stuck with me.

1. A lot of truth is said in jest
2. There are always two sides to every story
Never Leave the One You Love for the One You Like Because the One You Like Will Leave You for the One They Love

True Story
I think this may have been posted but I must post this.

When choosing your career or your major make sure it is something you LOVE and are INTERESTED in, because if not you will go into your job hating it and hating everyday you are there.

ex: I was talking to a former teacher of mine and she said her brother has a degree in business. She told me that he hates his career/job and would complain to her about how much he hates it. My former teacher was getting a degree to be a lawyer she was close to almost graduating (one semester away) to move onto law school. She ended up changing her major and started all over again. She told me she does not regret it at all. She loves being a teacher.
If you can't pay for something right now on the spot then you probably cant afford it. Don't be stupid by falling for those financing subterfuges - increment payments, interest etc.
If you cheated on shorty got caught and she took you back, Don't believe her when she says she has not stepped out as well to seek revenge...they always do and you prolly know the dude
-dont ever think you owe somebody something, you dont owe anybody ****
-if your in a relationship and have trust issues, get out, save yourself the trouble and save NT a relationship thread
-You may think you can get over on a woman but they are always 2 steps ahead
- theres more to life than p, dont put it on a pedalstool
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