WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Hombrelobomanages to slip his head out from TennHouse2’s grasp. Both men dive up ontotheir feet and stare at each other again. This time TennHouse2 charges towardsHombrelobo, Hombrelobo sidesteps him, grabs his head and hits a toe drop,followed up by a quick pin.


TennHouse2kicks out with ease, and both men jump to their feet once again.

Booker T Pretty even here if I have to be honest.

Cole True, true. These two have done theirhomework, but I still think that loser TennHouse2 is going to lose. Where did heget those piercings? Hot Topic?!
Bothmen lock up again, Hombrelobo spins underneath the arms of TennHouse2 to put himin a front to back position. He hits a quick german suplex, but holds on withthe grip. He drags TennHouse2 back up to his feet and tries to hit anothergerman suplex, but TennHouse2 hooks his leg around Hombrelobo's, preventing themove to take place. TennHouse2 spins around, and hits a german suplex of hisown, but releases at the end. TennHouse2quickly runs over to the top rope, as Hombrelobostumbles to his feet.

Booker t Well TennHouse2 is taking this match 2new heights!

TennHouse2dives off, trying to execute a



Bothmen lock up again, Hombrelobo spins underneath the arms of TennHouse2 to put himin a front to back position. He hits a quick german suplex, but holds on withthe grip. He drags TennHouse2 back up to his feet and tries to hit anothergerman suplex, but TennHouse2 hooks his leg around Hombrelobo's, preventing themove to take place. TennHouse2 spins around, and hits a german suplex of hisown, but releases at the end. TennHouse2quickly runs over to the top rope, as Hombrelobostumbles to his feet.

Booker t Well TennHouse2 is taking this match 2new heights!

TennHouse2dives off, trying to execute a



CROSSBODY, but Hombrelobo jumps up and hits a missile dropkick in mid air.Hombrelobo quickly follows up by covering TennHouse2 again.


TennHouse2kicks out once again. Hombrelobo slams his fists down against the mat, andbounces up to his feet. He drags TennHouse2 up by his head, and hits a europeanuppercut which sends him straight back down. Hombrelobo covers him again.

CROSSBODY, but Hombrelobo jumps up and hits a missile dropkick in mid air.Hombrelobo quickly follows up by covering TennHouse2 again.


TennHouse2kicks out once again. Hombrelobo slams his fists down against the mat, andbounces up to his feet. He drags TennHouse2 up by his head, and hits a europeanuppercut which sends him straight back down. Hombrelobo covers him again.

TennHouse2'sarm flies up, Hombrelobo begins to shout at the ref.

Booker T Hombrelobo needs to control his anger!

Cole Does he really? How do you know his angerwon’t fuel him with strength to destroy TennHouse2???

Booker T Well how do you know he won’t getdisqualified?

Cole I'd say it's a risk he should be willingto take!
TennHouse2'sarm flies up, Hombrelobo begins to shout at the ref.

Booker T Hombrelobo needs to control his anger!

Cole Does he really? How do you know his angerwon’t fuel him with strength to destroy TennHouse2???

Booker T Well how do you know he won’t getdisqualified?

Cole I'd say it's a risk he should be willingto take!
Hombreloboonce again picks up TennHouse2, but TennHouse2 suddenly kicks Hombrelobo,trying to escape this onslaught. However Hombrelobo pulls him into a knee tohis stomach, TennHouse2 falls to one knee, and Hombrelobo quickly punts him inthe face. Hombrelobo once again covers TennHouse2.


TennHouse2’sarm flies up once again, and Hombrelobo suddenly snaps, and begins to stompaway at the mid section of TennHouse2. Hombrelobo sprints towards the ropes,and goes for The Lionsault... But TennHouse2 manages to roll out of the way.

Booker T TennHouse2 has a chance now!
Hombreloboonce again picks up TennHouse2, but TennHouse2 suddenly kicks Hombrelobo,trying to escape this onslaught. However Hombrelobo pulls him into a knee tohis stomach, TennHouse2 falls to one knee, and Hombrelobo quickly punts him inthe face. Hombrelobo once again covers TennHouse2.


TennHouse2’sarm flies up once again, and Hombrelobo suddenly snaps, and begins to stompaway at the mid section of TennHouse2. Hombrelobo sprints towards the ropes,and goes for The Lionsault... But TennHouse2 manages to roll out of the way.

Booker T TennHouse2 has a chance now!

TennHouse2jumps to his feet and bolts towards Hombrelobo. TennHouse2 takes him down witha clothesline, Hombrelobo bounces straight back up. TennHouse2 then hits adropkick to the face of Hombrelobo, sending him face first of the canvas.TennHouse2 tries to lock in a boston crab, but Hombrelobo shakes him off andboth men rise to their feet. TennHouse2 once again charges for Hombrelobo, thistime spearing him into the corner. He takes a few steps back, and spearsHombrelobo again. He lifts Hombrelobo up onto the top rope, and climbs up afterhim.

Booker T This is dangerous!

Cole Shut up and watch the match Booker!

Hombrelobomanages to push TennHouse2 away, but TennHouse2 lands on his feet. SuddenlyTennHouse2 sprints up and hits a



TennHouse2jumps to his feet and bolts towards Hombrelobo. TennHouse2 takes him down witha clothesline, Hombrelobo bounces straight back up. TennHouse2 then hits adropkick to the face of Hombrelobo, sending him face first of the canvas.TennHouse2 tries to lock in a boston crab, but Hombrelobo shakes him off andboth men rise to their feet. TennHouse2 once again charges for Hombrelobo, thistime spearing him into the corner. He takes a few steps back, and spearsHombrelobo again. He lifts Hombrelobo up onto the top rope, and climbs up afterhim.

Booker T This is dangerous!

Cole Shut up and watch the match Booker!

Hombrelobomanages to push TennHouse2 away, but TennHouse2 lands on his feet. SuddenlyTennHouse2 sprints up and hits a



Originally Posted by theDEEK

*Cheers for 916*

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by theDEEK

*laughs at Chino because JRA actually got his dropkick in on time.*
shots fired? Lets do the damn thing. Open Challenge, Cena. Wassupp? (no tennhouse)


I'm doing nothing tonight and you should know that I never back down from a fight! Anyways, I'd love a quick and easy win to warm up for my title matches later on this month. If you want some, come get some! Let's do this.
Tonight's Main Event
Originally Posted by theDEEK

*Cheers for 916*

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by theDEEK

*laughs at Chino because JRA actually got his dropkick in on time.*
shots fired? Lets do the damn thing. Open Challenge, Cena. Wassupp? (no tennhouse)


I'm doing nothing tonight and you should know that I never back down from a fight! Anyways, I'd love a quick and easy win to warm up for my title matches later on this month. If you want some, come get some! Let's do this.
Tonight's Main Event
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by theDEEK

*Cheers for 916*

Originally Posted by chino905

shots fired? Lets do the damn thing. Open Challenge, Cena. Wassupp? (no tennhouse)


I'm doing nothing tonight and you should know that I never back down from a fight! Anyways, I'd love a quick and easy win to warm up for my title matches later on this month. If you want some, come get some! Let's do this.
Tonight's Main Event

are you the booker? No.

do you get to put matches together? No.

you guys need to stop "putting" yourselves in main events.

especially when most of you have the promo skills of an autistic child.

Earn your spots, goofballs.
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by theDEEK

*Cheers for 916*

Originally Posted by chino905

shots fired? Lets do the damn thing. Open Challenge, Cena. Wassupp? (no tennhouse)


I'm doing nothing tonight and you should know that I never back down from a fight! Anyways, I'd love a quick and easy win to warm up for my title matches later on this month. If you want some, come get some! Let's do this.
Tonight's Main Event

are you the booker? No.

do you get to put matches together? No.

you guys need to stop "putting" yourselves in main events.

especially when most of you have the promo skills of an autistic child.

Earn your spots, goofballs.
ENZIGURI!Hombrelobo remains on the turnbuckle but is showing no signs of beingconscious.

Booker T What a kick!

Cole I know! He nearly tore the poor guys headoff!

TennHouse2screams “What’s up!?
ENZIGURI!Hombrelobo remains on the turnbuckle but is showing no signs of beingconscious.

Booker T What a kick!

Cole I know! He nearly tore the poor guys headoff!

TennHouse2screams “What’s up!?
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