WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

if yall kep talkin about streams, there a good chance u will get banned

its not allowed on here, sorry fellas
Believe this man.. from my personal experience.. stop asking for streams guys

Also, great write up on Wrestlemania 4wrestling, I look forward to your WM predictions every year, if you guys haven't seen it yet, 4w's predictions are up on pg. 1

Moving on...
Even though the build up for the card wasn't the greatest, it is STILL Wrestlemania, and I am STILL pumped! Let's get to the predictions:
WRESTLEMANIA XXVII w/ Special Guest Host: The Rock

The Corre v. Team Show/Kane:

You know, if WWE would've played their cards right there is NO reason, why a still Nexus brand Wade Barrett v. John Cena could have been a BIG TIME main event for this year's Wrestlemania, oh well, I guess it is not meant to be, instead we get a pretty much meaningless 8-man tag. Since forming The Corre, Boss Barrett has been anything but, lame intro music (that has been changed/edited 3 times I think), terrible supporting cast, and pretty much a lack of interest from the fans on SmackDown! A lot of this though isn't really his fault. I still think Barrett has the most upside out of ANY member of Nexus/Corre and I feel he needs to go over here to try and regaining some of that momentum he had on Raw. It wouldn't shock me though if The Corre got that Nexus treatment from last year's Summerfest and jobbed out cleanly to this team, but I don't see how a win benefits Marella, Kingston, Show, Kane.



Trish Stratus, "Snooki," & John Morrison v. LayCool, & Dolph Ziggler:

(I will not waste my time writing out an analysis for this match)



United States Championship - Daniel Bryan v. Sheamus (c):

Ever since winning the 2011 King of the Ring Sheamus has ran into a bit of losing streak, and his "push through the roof" came to an abrupt halt. I don't really know why this is, cause I think Sheamus is actually a very underrated "main event" calibur superstar. He is excellent on the mic, and for a guy his size, he can work his way through a match and make it exciting (if he is in there with a good worker, eg. Bryan). Unfortunately, I don't really see Sheamus getting past the midcard for the rest of the year, and him losing tonight will be just proof of that. As for Daniel Bryan, it's going to sound weird but I think he NEEDS a victory here because honestly, I think his gimmick is running a bit stale. Don't get me wrong I am not saying he needs to be shipped to FCW and totally repackaged, but his "Ride of the Valkyries" theme has been played out for about a minute now, and if WWE ever wants him to be in the upper mid-card/main event (which I don't think they do) then they need to drop that music, and also have Bryan become more aggressive in his "submission wrestling" gimmick, they can turn him into a Bret Hart 2.0 at best and regaining the US title can help initiate that process.



Rey Mysterio v. "Formerly Dashing" Cody Rhodes:

A good old fashioned grudge match. It is hard to believe that Rey Mysterio has been in WWE for as long as he has, and his age is starting to show, I have never really been a big Rey guy but I'll give him credit when he is on, he is one of the few performers who can make me say "wow." However, he has recently been the focus of backstage drama with his contract issues and such, and something like that heading into Wrestlemania will lead me to believe he might not walk out a winner. Cody Rhodes on the other hand as been a diamond in the rough on SmackDown! since splitting from Ted Dibiase Jr. Cody took the "Dashing" gimmck (which lets be honest, didn't really sound like it would've been a winner) and ran with it. He's one of the better heels on Friday nights now and I think a victory here will help him at least a sniff of a main event caliber feud. My only issue with Cody is this mask protector thing. I hate, hate, hate when WWE refuses to acknowledge they have a good gimmick going, "Pirate Paul Birchill" and "Matt Hardy Version 1.0" are two examples of this, they seemed silly at the time, but those dudes got those gimmicks over. Now that Cody is no longer "Dashing" I'm afraid they are going to sort of repackage him.



Randy Orton v. CM Punk:

Can this match just END Nexus once and for all regardless of who wins, please? I still to this day do not know why they had CM Punk take over the Nexus. Him leading that group made no sense from the get go and it actually hurt the likes of Otunga, Harris, Ryan, etc. Now before you disagree, at least hear me out. The Nexus was NXT rookies coming in and making a statement, for as bad as they were handled and jobbed out, Barrett, Otunga, Slater, Gabriel, Tarver, Sheffield were getting significant face time and mic time. Granted, not all of them were the best at it, but as the program went on, you could at least see that Barrett and Otunga were getting more and more comfortable on the mic, Slater and Gabriel were working better as a tag team and the group was getting over. Enter CM Punk. I know Punk was great as the leader, but he is CM Punk, he'll be great at ANYTHING which is why I feel he didn't need Nexus by his side to go after Randy Orton for punting him 2 years ago. Punk is good enough in the ring and on the mic to go into a feud alone with anybody. Ever since he took over, it was the CM Punk show, the rest of Nexus kept their mouths shut and honestly took 2 steps back, back to FCW they go I am assuming. Now, as for Randy Orton, he has taken the role of John Cena in the part of "taking out Nexus one by one." However, even with Punk getting the better of him on Monday, I still think he loses tonight. If the rumors about Punk being Sin Cara's first feud they will need Punk looking as strong as possible, and a victory (clean or not) would help that.



World Heavyweight Championship - Edge (c) v. Alberto Del Rio:

For as much swag as he has, I am starting to think WWE's idea to push the hell out of Alberto Del Rio so soon is a bad idea, not that Del Rio is green or anything, he's not, he's obviously very, very good. But having him on Raw and SmackDown! week after week after week, at first was cool, but now has become a little bit of overkill and it is as if we have been smothered with all Del Rio all the time. The guy won the Royal Rumble, that alone gets him over and you don't need him to show up week after week to prove to us he is "for real" it would've been a simple case of less is more, especially when I can recite an Alberto Del Rio promo like the back of my hand cause it is the same thing, just switch out a couple of nouns: "My name is Alberto Del Rio! But you, you already know that, and it is my DESTINY to win _________________." It does sound like I am hating, but  i am not trying to. I LOVE Del Rio (pause), but I think that too much of him can become a bad thing. As for "The Rated R Superstar," is it just me or has Edge kind of lost it? He doesn't really come of as strong as he used to be, which is odd cause outside of Undertaker, SmackDown! is Edge's show. Perhaps it is because nobody knows whether to cheer or boo the guy case they switch him from heel to face once every 5 months it seems, but that is another story... I actually think Edge gets a surprising win here because he needs it, Del Rio doesn't need to win the title tonight, because he will be fine regardless. It is a longshot I know, but I feel Edge takes it.



The Streak - The Undertaker (18-0) v. Triple H:

The biggest question about this match is, what happens to HHH after he shovels himself tonight? Does he fade back into [Mike Tyson]bolivian[/Mike Tyson], or does the shovel rise from the grave tomorrow night on Raw and unsuspecting midcarders get destroyed for no particular reason? My guess is the latter.



Jerry "The King" Lawler v. Michael Cole w/ trainer Jack Swagger. Speacial Guest referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin:

Don't let the titles and streaks fool you, THIS is the main event of Wrestlemania XXVII. First and foremost big ups to both Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole for being absolutely brilliant through out this entire ordeal (though from the sounds of things Cole is just acting like himself on camera). We obviously know who is going to win, so I am going to focus on how perfect the build up for this match was. It was a simple formula too, Cole already had his heelish tendencies on the announce team (which is something WWE DESPERATELY needs to bring back, "face" play by play guys and "heel" analysts are missed big time), and once he started in on Lawler the feud practically wrote itself. The biggest thing about this is simple, Lawler and Cole have not laid hands on each other once. Which has everybody literally dying to see Lawler kill Cole. It is a win-win, if Lawler and Cole go out there and have a "close" match with a bunch of near falls, epic. If Lawler absolutely squashes Cole people will still be satisfied. Hell, nobody ever cares/notices that Jack Swagger and Steve Austin are involved in this match, that is how good the build up was. I am so, so excited for this match.



WWE Championship - The Miz (c) v. John Cena:

I know it sounds crazy but this match has been the toughest one to predict for me in straight terms of who NEEDS to win tonight it is hands down The Miz. His reign as champion has been lackluster at best, to his credit though Miz has been championship material on the mic and he has done all the public appearances, however, it just doesn't seem to be enough, because in the eyes of the WWE Universe, The Miz "cheated" his way to the WWE title and has "cheated" to retain it. Now, if Miz snakes out a title victory every once and a while, fine, he is after all a heel. But come on, his victories have been comedic at best, now what is funny about this argument is this, the biggest determent to his title reign could easily be his best asset if he doesn't win cleanly tonight, because it would be setting up the greater good. If The Miz wins tonight with The Rock helping him, 1) The main event for Summerfest will be set and Rock v. Cena will become the most hyped match ever, 2) Miz automatically becomes a heat magnet because he will have defeated the almighty John Cena, you should then have Miz open Raw tomorrow in the middle of the ring, no music, and boast about how awesome he is, then book him in a match against a high caliber opponent that night, have Miz win cleanly then Cena comes out for his revenge and books his rematch for Backlash or whatever is the next ppv, but that is getting ahead of ourselves. Now, with John Cena, this guy needs a win like I need a hole in my head. Since Wrestlemania XX Cena has been involved in 7 consecutive championship matches at Wrestlemania with the last 6 being WWE or World Heavyweight shots, and his record is 6-1, yeah, lots of parody and building new stars eh, WWE? With a big "Make a Wish Foundation" celebration apparently scheduled for John tonight it is damn near impossible to think Cena won't show up to this public event w/o the strap, but if Vince wants to make some big time money, swerve the world and have Rock cost Cena this match and watch the WWE Universe erupt. The one thing that absolutely CANNOT happen tonight is a clean Cena win WITH The Rock and Cena celebrating together as the show closes, one it ruins any hope of a dream match, and two, Miz can kiss any redemption at main eventing goodbye, however with how personal the shots have been and all the goings on Monday night, I really don't that can conceivably happen, but never say never.



Enjoy the Show NT! 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

if yall kep talkin about streams, there a good chance u will get banned

its not allowed on here, sorry fellas
Believe this man.. from my personal experience.. stop asking for streams guys

Del Rio
Snooki Stratus Morrison
The Corre
CM Punk
Jerry Lawler

Del Rio
Snooki Stratus Morrison
The Corre
CM Punk
Jerry Lawler
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