woman accused of raping man with unwanted fellatio

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Well, we don't really know the full details of the story...If I'm waking up and a random woman I've never seen is in my house IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT trying to take my pants off, I'm not gonna just look at her like everything is cool. How do I know her intentions are just to give me head? Maybe she's trying to distract me while my house is being robbed. Maybe she's setting me up so when I'm not looking, someone comes in and kills me. Let's not forget the world we live in. There's a lot of crazy people out there. This isn't a porno where a woman is gonna just randomly pop into your house and start blowing you just because she's horny

So true
Um...the randomly waking up to dome fantasy.

Damn NT and its standard. SMH. Gotta be a dime just to give brains...
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Well, we don't really know the full details of the story...If I'm waking up and a random woman I've never seen is in my house IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT trying to take my pants off, I'm not gonna just look at her like everything is cool. How do I know her intentions are just to give me head? Maybe she's trying to distract me while my house is being robbed. Maybe she's setting me up so when I'm not looking, someone comes in and kills me. Let's not forget the world we live in. There's a lot of crazy people out there. This isn't a porno where a woman is gonna just randomly pop into your house and start blowing you just because she's horny
i laughed out loud literally
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