Words that you hate Vol. Panties

swag- i mean sometimes it doesnt bother me but on the real this word alone is prolly the most overused word evar imo
A little off topic, and I don't know who's with me. But when people TaLk LiKe ThIs WiTh EvErY oThEr WoRd CaPiTaLiZeD, esp on their facebook, screamsuneducated, or stupid, or something. I hate it.
I agree with swag and bromance. Those have to be the most annoying words of the decade. I also hate when ppl say *C U Next Tuesday* its a very ugly word andutterly gross...
when people use "chill" as an adjective !%***@ mother $##*+! i cant stand that +**%

if someone says yeah im just chillin, or somethin along the lines of that, im ok with that

but when people say he/she is chill, yeah it was real chill, anything like that
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I hate the word moist. Ew. Just the meaning plus the way it's pronounced is just awful.

And I hate when English-only speaking generic white people try to pronounce words from other languages with an authentic accent and hugely OD trying to sound like they speak that language. Drives me crazy.

i hate when people don't try to use an accent...like when people speak spanish without an accent...it annoys the hell out of me...
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