Working in Retail Stores

Feb 5, 2009
Im talking about bad customers, cheap customers, etc.  What are your worst stories?  
The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time
My brother works at cvs.  He says this one lady and her 2 little kids terrorize the store on a regular basis.  Her kids are like monsters and jump up on the counter and try to break the register.  She's the only person i've ever heard him talk about that deserved to die 
I gotta post this story though. I was working with my dude Paul and this lady comes up to me and asks "Excuse me, do you speak English?". I'm Filipino mind you and Im obviously speaking English with Paul
People that come to the register and ask for a price check on every item then whatever they decide is to rich for their blood they just leave at the register for me to put back 
Loading a treadmill into a customers vehicle, mind you we already warned him that the weight of the box might break something, he told us to go ahead.

Outside about to load it and we warn him again, he tells yeah whatever just load it, it gets stuck halfway in so we have to lift it and push it.

Upon doing that it ripped the rubber lining of his trunk and he immediately puts the blame on us and is saying we ripped it so we have to pay for it, we just walk away and get a manager and let him take care of it.

We ended up filling out a accident report form and the manager said if we would've gotten him to sign a waiver the company wouldn't have had to pay for it, oh well, I just hate ignorant customers.
Originally Posted by shogun

My brother works at cvs.  He says this one lady and her 2 little kids terrorize the store on a regular basis.  Her kids are like monsters and jump up on the counter and try to break the register.  She's the only person i've ever heard him talk about that deserved to die 

Used to work there.
There's sales every week and lots of times customers don't read the damn words on the sign and thinks it's one price when it's actually another. I hate the customers who insist on me turning over the register screen so they can see the prices and items and do the calculations. They need to do that beforehand
. Also it's a computer so chances of it charging a wrong price is improbable. The worst is probably all the thieves that come in. One time these 5 dudes come in and I knew right off the bat they were looking to steal @!!+. I see them posted up by the gift card and canned food section. I was going to stick around but a customer asked for my help. When I went back, they were gone and so were some of the gift cards. Dumb %+%%$ don't realize you have to activate the gift cards at the register or else they're useless plastic
Originally Posted by SoleAsian

Originally Posted by shogun

My brother works at cvs.  He says this one lady and her 2 little kids terrorize the store on a regular basis.  Her kids are like monsters and jump up on the counter and try to break the register.  She's the only person i've ever heard him talk about that deserved to die 

Used to work there.
There's sales every week and lots of times customers don't read the damn words on the sign and thinks it's one price when it's actually another. I hate the customers who insist on me turning over the register screen so they can see the prices and items and do the calculations. They need to do that beforehand
. Also it's a computer so chances of it charging a wrong price is improbable. The worst is probably all the thieves that come in. One time these 5 dudes come in and I knew right off the bat they were looking to steal %**#. I see them posted up by the gift card and canned food section. I was going to stick around but a customer asked for my help. When I went back, they were gone and so were some of the gift cards. Dumb $@%@* don't realize you have to activate the gift cards at the register or else they're useless plastic

uneducated thieves
Been working retail for 5 years... don't have anyorror stories doe.

Maybe its cuz I know how to handle them well..

Originally Posted by af1 1982

The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time
This. thread/
back in the day when I was working retail, we would get robbed every 3-4 months, 20-30 goons aka high school kids would come in at once and try to steal expensive stuff. I got into so many fights until one pulled a gun on me... after that I never got involved.
i had many good and bad stories working retail
ive seen people steal and then wear the stolen stuff back to the store employees and customers

ive caught managers doing certain things with each other

walking into the bathroom and crap all over the floor
ladies shopping for themselves with their child support cards

2 co workers fighting over a ****** guy

seen a coworker catch her period in front of customers her face was priceless

btw i work at burlington coat factory
Originally Posted by af1 1982

The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time

depends where you work but at my job the customers are by far the worst part. Working retail has made me racist and judgmental as hell
Did it for 2 years. I think everyone should do it once, it's very humbling. That being said I will never work retail again.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time

i work at target as well and i agree the work is extremely mindless but i actually have fun there...sorta. i work on the early morning flow team though so im just listening to my ipod or choppin it up with co workers as we push products. then i get off with a majority of the day left. i could be doing so much better but its only a summer job so its something to say the least. my only problem is when the store does finally open...dealing with certain customers...particularly jews... thats the only place i've worked where i've had so many rude/obnoxious customers....
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by af1 1982

The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time

depends where you work but at my job the customers are by far the worst part. Working retail has made me racist and judgmental as hell
I feel you!
me too bruh. Im counting down the days till i quit.
this asian dude who i can barely understand calls up and asks me what colors we have in kobes, hyperdunk lows, lebrons, cp3s and hypergamers. i list off every color and then he keeps hitting me with questions about other pairs that i clearly didnt say. im on the phone for 15 minutes describing shoes and just end up telling him to come to the store if he has any more questions

but on the real working retail has made me a much better shopper as well...i dont go into a store any more and unfold shirts and make a mess because at the end of the day someone has to clean up after you
Worked at Best Buy for 2 yrs....I got stories for days.

Dude's come in with fake credit cards to buy ipads, one time i slipped up and rang the fake credit card, when i realize i took a magnet and deactivated the thing in front the of the customer. Dude was pissed.

Caught a lady stealing a screen protector, i told her i will let it slide if she gave back to me with no questions asked. Dumb lady didn't called security and they gave her a option to pay for it, she was broke had her boyfriend pay for it. Damm well she was embarrassed by it too.

Customers fighting on the line, lady spit at this guy face in front of his family. He didn't do @++%, the dumb broad came back a week later with sunglasses on acting like i didn't recognize her.

When i walk into the bathroom, I always say "DAMMMMM WHO'S TAKING A #2" out loud.
There was a dude fapping in the restroom on Tuesday, I always wash my hands before I go to lunch and I just so happen to hear someone fumbling in the stall when I walked in.
I acted like I walked out and dude started up again, mind you I wear steel toe boots.

I kicked the !#%$ out the door and walked out, I heard a louder fumble but I was already gone by the time he opened the stall door.
I'm getting my BComm next year and my specialization is retail management. I will say working in a retail store is terrible. I've worked at Sears and I have nothing good to say about it. Its just boring and mind-numbing work Imo. I don't know if I've ever come across someone who likes working in a retail store. 
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