Would you give it all up to be happy?

Oct 31, 2013
Has anyone ever packed up and left? No not to another city, but to another country? Like one day said, "I WANT TO BE HAPPY." and packed your bags, booked your flight and went backpacking across the world?

If you had all the money you've ever wanted. Would you give up the stream of income for your own happiness?

A part of me says to go. Pack my bags and leave. Explore the world. Find MY happiness.

But the part that was raised by societies guidelines is scared to leave my career path and says "This is a part of life. You suffer. You are lonely. But eventually it gets better."

Is me leaving an irrational decision?


if me leaving makes other people around me sad then i would not leave because i cant be happy if i dissapoint those important people around me who helped make me who i am.
i fantasize about this from time to time

if it was possible, yes i would

but then the people i know in life......it gets kinda difficult...
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if me leaving makes other people around me sad then i would not leave because i cant be happy if i dissapoint those important people around me who helped make me who i am.
Not to sound morbid (wrong word). But in this case, there are no other people around me. Completely alone. Completely.
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Do what makes you happy and what feel right for you. Too many times we try to please others whether it be family/ friends/ co workers that we forget to treat our selfs. I learned that the hard way.
Has anyone ever packed up and left? No not to another city, but to another country? Like one day said, "I WANT TO BE HAPPY." and packed your bags, booked your flight and went backpacking across the world?

If you had all the money you've ever wanted. Would you give up the stream of income for your own happiness?

A part of me says to go. Pack my bags and leave. Explore the world. Find MY happiness.

But the part that was raised by societies guidelines is scared to leave my career path and says "This is a part of life. You suffer. You are lonely. But eventually it gets better."

Is me leaving an irrational decision?

As far as we know you only get one life. As long as you're not harming anyone then do whatever the **** you want cuz you can't when you're dead.

That's the way I see it. Too many people live life with regrets, always thinking "What if?". Don't be one of them. Go see the world. It's an opportunity few get.
A few months ago, i realized I dont want that corporate life. I want a farm in TN, living the simple life. Never thought I would feel this way but I KNOW now its the life for me. This wil shock everone that knows me but Im planning my exit to happiness. Blessings on what ever you decide.
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if me leaving makes other people around me sad then i would not leave because i cant be happy if i dissapoint those important people around me who helped make me who i am.

Not to sound morbid (wrong word). But in this case, there are no other people around me. Completely alone. Completely.

thats the problem brah

u need poeple in your life.
as a human we need to have friends and family around us.
I never packed uo and move from another country but I did move coast to coast..

You should really think about it..
Happiness is short lived.

Contention is waking up, being able to work day in and day out and being fulfilled.

Circling the world is gonna leave ya running away and instead of running to something.

That's why people need friends and goals. It allows you to always be striving for some kind of enjoyment or reward.
Happiness is short lived.

Contention is waking up, being able to work day in and day out and being fulfilled.

Circling the world is gonna leave ya running away and instead of running to something.

That's why people need friends and goals. It allows you to always be striving for some kind of enjoyment or reward.
I agree and understand but the whole friend bit threw me off. I moved away for my career and am completely alone and isolated. And to some it may be but to me it's not as easy as going out and getting a new group of friends. I don't even know how to make friends let alone keep the friendship going. Used to kicking people out of my life. I feel like a trip around the world will allow me to find myself spiritually. As corny as that sounds.
I agree and understand but the whole friend bit threw me off. I moved away for my career and am completely alone and isolated. And to some it may be but to me it's not as easy as going out and getting a new group of friends. I don't even know how to make friends let alone keep the friendship going. Used to kicking people out of my life. I feel like a trip around the world will allow me to find myself spiritually. As corny as that sounds.

doesnt sound corny at all
Nothing Was The Same.

I assume you are talking about your youtube life.

Please do what YOU think will make YOU happy. Don't undervalue your happiness, EVER. Try to find joy in all that YOU do.

Good luck! 
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I agree and understand but the whole friend bit threw me off. I moved away for my career and am completely alone and isolated. And to some it may be but to me it's not as easy as going out and getting a new group of friends. I don't even know how to make friends let alone keep the friendship going. Used to kicking people out of my life. I feel like a trip around the world will allow me to find myself spiritually. As corny as that sounds.
One thing I ask though, won't you feel lonely/even more depressed if you go out to a random place with no company? 
I plan on saving up to pursue my happenss after I graduate from college. Not only it's my life long dream to travel the world but I'm also not happy at my current situation. We live through the motions of live,work gym school work gym school work gym school. Eventually something inside will hit you saying there's more to life then just being a robot. If it could be a perfect world for me, I would like to live on a beach somewhere in Thailand or Laos eat off the land fishes n coconuts and make a living giving tour guides.
I agree and understand but the whole friend bit threw me off. I moved away for my career and am completely alone and isolated. And to some it may be but to me it's not as easy as going out and getting a new group of friends. I don't even know how to make friends let alone keep the friendship going. Used to kicking people out of my life. I feel like a trip around the world will allow me to find myself spiritually. As corny as that sounds.
Sounds like you have something to look for in your current position then, without traveling.

You never know how or when you will find answers though, so traveling or picking up a new hobby or whatever could work..

No one has the answers though, not even Sway.
I was about to do this....

But I realize, happiness is really something within yourself. No matter where you move or how much money you have, it's still something inside of you that only can be given.
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