Would you give up 5 years of life for 10 minutes of infinite knowledge?

the hell am i suppose to prove the infinite knowledge? 10 mins is nothing...give me a year of infinite knowledge then we talking...i'll figure out the lotto somehow
Originally Posted by needemjs

Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

Originally Posted by melofan15

even if we wrote down anything, would our writings be comprehensible when we return to our regular state of mind?

exactly....my thing is that even if you did record what you said and wrote it down, what would happpen if you spent your in tire life trying to decode what you were saying?

I dont get it.. You would live in a tire if you had infinite knowledge for 10 minutes?
Originally Posted by Periwinkle

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Infinite knowledge = The knowledge on how to live forever.


This, not only can you live forever, you can pretty much make medical research obsolete because you'll know the cure for everything, might as well get that knowledge to make money
, and save lives.
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