WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Ready to go!!!

This show should be epic
They're having brownouts in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area as we speak. It's interrupted the ROH iPPV multiple times. Better hope this is all cleared up by tomorrow night.
Originally Posted by hymen man

I forgot Shameless!
I just hope Yuku cooperates tomorrow.. i'm not gonna post all day so I have enough posts to contribute.
If yuku doesn't...I'll be pissed to say the least
will there be some sort of tailgate event beforehand? im trying to figure out what time i should get there.

if not, maybe hit a bar in the general area of the stadium
Originally Posted by KiLLaBapi

Watching last yrs Undertaker vs Triple H match on WWE Classics on demand

Such a great match. I really thought Triple H was going to win when he hit the tombstone on Taker

Your post inspired me to do the same. What a match
I'm still working my way through post production on NTWTMania2 right now.

I'll be running dry-runs this afternoon on synctube. When I know exactly how long the show will run I'll post a start time for tomorrow.
Lesnar Signed?
Brock Lesnar has arrived in Miami and arrived with security and a large group of people shielding him from everyone.

This is the going story, but not confirmed, that Lesnar has signed a one year deal and will work a more than Undertaker and less than Goldberg type of schedule.

Besides the return of Fit Finlay, the other news from WWE is that they are rewriting portions of tomorrow's show.  We don't know which stuff is being rewritten or why.  
Return of Finlay? So...he'll be teaching the divas to wrestle? Cool

More than Taker and less than Goldberg
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Return of Finlay? So...he'll be teaching the divas to wrestle? Cool

David "Fit" Finlay has rehired by WWE as an agent/producer.  Finlay had been fired for coming up with the idea of The Miz interrupting the national anthem to get heat on a show which caused a WWE sponsor, the national guard, to complain to management.

Both Finlay and Terry Taylor, expected to be part of developmental, are in Miami working this weekend.
I really wanted to watch the ROH show last night since Storm was on the card but clearly that %#!! wasn't going to work out.
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