WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

With Seth winning the belt, do Cena and Bryan still close our house shows?

I wonder if Seth winning was an audible due to Roman's recent reactions.

Good surprise either way.

Thanks Jesse for ruining it.
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I know this is an unpopular opinion but HHH somewhat needed that win.. the last match he won was at wrestlemania 29 against Brock Lesnar. Since then, he has been on a massive losing streak. Lost to Curtis Axel by DQ and by countout, lost to Lesnar at ER 2013, lost to DB at WM 30, lost to the Shield twice in a row.

This shot :smokin
Cena looks like such an idiot in everything he does. Even coming off the top rope he looks awkward.

Naw... That springboard stunner was :smokin... It instantly turned the crowd to on his side...

I saw Cena make the movements for a springboard, and my mind just froze... I'm like, Wtf is he gonna do :lol:...

Moonsault?, **** no...
Kick?, Naw...
Spin around clothesline?, likely...
Spin around knee?, possible...

Wait, he isn't doing anything... He's just flying back... Is he just gonna hit him?... Wtf?...

HOLY ****... Was that a springboard stunner?... :wow: :lol: :wow:
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