WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Not sure if posted but heres a new Snickers commercial featuring Ramen & Renee...can someone embed, im on mobile and embedding vids on mobile is annoying lol

Not even hating that was just bad by both. No way it makes it to live TV other than espn, wwe events, the network.
Don't know what y'all see in Sasha looks wise.
Emma slapped the **** outta Bayley.
Looks-wise, she's alright.

But the way she carries herself makes me all hot and bothered, fam.

Compare her to when she was just starting out in NXT (bland all around) to now.
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I'll give you that her character/in ring skill has developed significantly. But her frame and that big dome/nose combo. :smh:
Thinking about sick RKO spots in the Rollins-Orton match.. maybe Orton counters a curb stomp or pheonix splash into an RKO
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