Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

Reigns getting fired but will come back at the RR and win it, thinking he'll get a better pop.

Otherwise he'll win tonight via DQ or count out.
God said he gotta win the belt. Cant do that via DQ or count out

He outta here man.
Vince is gonna come out and help Reigns win, and Roman is gonna stand there all confused. Seamus uses his re-match at the Rumble, no DQ match.
Adam Rose with some strong ether.
whats up guys? had club box seats with beer and food included for tonight but had to turn them down because my girl has 102 fever.. i should of offered to bring one of my NTWT brothers ..
why they ever tried making the Miz likable is beyond me.. he has that face you just want to punch.
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