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New Fightful Select update on Brawl and Feelings on Punk/Elite, Mox Vacation, TGS​

  • The story from Punk/Steels side has changed slightly. They meant "Kicked the door down" as hyperbole to mean they kicked, shouldered, or otherwise forced their way in. Punk was either getting medical attention or had just received medical attention when they came in.
  • No one seems to know 100% what caused Ace Steel to go full Tyson. Thee stories range from "Because his wife was near" to he thought Omega was attacking Punk, while Omega was really just trying to pull Punk off.
  • Accounts from both sides vary wildly, neither should be taken as gospel based on what they ahve heard. This is what they've relayed to those close to them.
  • Talent doesn't know whats going to happen to punk
    • " We spoke with numerous people on the staff and roster, who said that unless Punk's suspension is unpaid or he's fired, it's superficial considering he'll be out of action well into next year. "
    • As much heat from the scrum as from the fracas.
    • Punk has been rubbing the locker room the wrong way for a while. But blaming him for all locker room issues according to one source is "unfair"
  • Roster members they spoke to after the show felt it had a positive vibe. They felt it could have been worse than the chaos of the previous 3 days and it wasn't.
    • Many felt like they wanted to show up and work, and the best way to get passed the public embarrassment of Sunday night was to get over issues, make money for the company and highlight some new talent along the way.
  • A lot of content had to be adjusted on wednesday because on tuesday as they were working on material they didn't know what they were going to allowed to say or not.
  • Mox was planned to take an extended vacation, but be back in time for Cincinnati (HEY OH!) in October. He came to the show because he wanted to help conduct the talent meeting, add star power and for the title tournament.
  • Kenny, CD, and Nakazawa are all slated to be in Japan for TGS. As of now none of them have been pulled.
  • Fightful confirmed Megha was around when the situation occurred.
green rhino123 green rhino123

A time machine has been built. You get an opportunity to go back to the 70s, 80s or 90s and attend 1 match.

Which match are you attending?

I'm not sure so off the top - 2 come to mind...


The crowd went banana. Being apart of that would have been great.


Because there is no known film/video of this match for dubious reasons.
People (that say they were there) claim it was not a great match as neither
were willing to work with each other - but I'd still like to see it for myself.


I wish I got to see a Superstar Billy Graham match in person when he was champion.

Also would like to have seen Andre the Giant, in person, in his prime before the broken ankle.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

How about you? :nerd:
I might have others but I never really thought about it before.
I'm not sure so off the top - 2 come to mind...


The crowd went banana. Being apart of that would have been great.


Because there is no known film/video of this match for dubious reasons.
People (that say they were there) claim it was not a great match as neither
were willing to work with each other - but I'd still like to see it for myself.


I wish I got to see a Superstar Billy Graham match in person when he was champion.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

How about you? :nerd:
I might have others but I never really thought about it before.

Those are 3 great picks brother rhinos..
I'm not sure so off the top - 2 come to mind...


The crowd went banana. Being apart of that would have been great.


Because there is no known film/video of this match for dubious reasons.
People (that say they were there) claim it was not a great match as neither
were willing to work with each other - but I'd still like to see it for myself.


I wish I got to see a Superstar Billy Graham match in person when he was champion.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

How about you? :nerd:
I might have others but I never really thought about it before.

Hard to pick one myself but it would have to be one of

Hogan vs Warrior
Warrior vs Macho Man
Steamboat vs Macho man
Bret vs Austin
Sting vs Flair '88
War Games match from '92
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Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee If I had a time machine (like a flying Delorean or something)
and I could just observe the past, not interfere, I want to see Egypt in all it's glory. I want
to see the architecture the way it was supposed to be seen. All the colors.

Also would have to see dinosaurs for myself, in person, from a distance or something.

Then I would go see all the stuff from our past that we don't even know about!

...but this is a discussion for a different thread that used to exist.
Last night's Dynamite drew 1,035,000 viewers.

09.08.2021- 1,319,000
09.07.2022- 1,035,000 (-21%)

From all the hype over the weekend, that's a pretty poor showing. For reference, this was last year's Dynamite:
Malakai Black vs. The Nightmare Factory’s “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes
CM Punk addressed the fans
Team Taz’s Powerhouse Hobbs (with Hook) vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin

American Top Team’s Dan Lambert was in a sky box with Scorpio Sky and “All Ego” Ethan Page
Backstage, Matt Hardy threated to cut “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy’s hair
MJF walked out to the ring accompanied by Ward-low
Ruby Soho vs. Jamie Hayter
The Pinnacle’s FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood—and Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard & Wardlow) vs. Dark Order’s Evil Uno, John Silver, & Stu Grayson (with Colt Cabana, Alan Angels)
Jon Moxley vs. Minoru Suzuki

Punk's return genetrated 21% increase in viewership
How about you Case Case ? Have you ever thought about it like that?
Anything come to mind?
First matches that come to mind are..
Sting/Flair from Great American Bash 1990
Vader/Ron Simmons title match..There’s no other moment in wrestling history I’d want to see more than Ron being crowned the first black WHC
Austin/Bret from Mania 13
"Glenn Jacobs had a pretty good look, but had the intelligence of an dressed up ice cube. I always thought Glenn was a nice enough guy, he’d always say hello and ask you how you’re doing. He brought a lot of calm, and sort of stability for the boys. Which in the locker room at the time was pretty needed, especially when you had troublemakers like Shawn around.But Glenn was one of those guys who you never really wanted to get into an actual conversation with. You sort of just wanted to have the quick hello and go talk about your match. With guys like Glenn as soon as you gave them more of an opportunity to talk, you really regretted it y’know. He couldn’t help but turn every conversation into a political one, usually against the socialist stuff. Which even as a Albertan in a pretty conservative province always struck me as funny.My dad Stu used to say ‘A worker against sharing anything has never tried working a program in a Saskatchewan winter’. Which is just sort of an old-school shooters way of saying that every circumstance is different, and ideology can’t trump reality.
I remember when Glenn was Issac Yankem, and we were working a bit of a program. I’d walk Glenn through how I saw the story of the match went. I’d explain it was important that he got an opportunity to get a few of his spots in, and really sell his abilities. Glenn would always insist he do so as an ‘transactional exchange of goods’ and not out of a need to ‘share’ the spotlight as he thought it was ‘a dangerous road to socialism’. Which as a Canadian I always got a pretty good laugh. I’d sort of say okay, and then walk through the finish again. I remember Owen used to get him going a bit, and sort of walk by and tell Glenn ‘Don’t hurt my brother out there. Otherwise he’ll have to visit a doctor in that socialized medicine hospital.” Which always got Glenn pretty heated. He’d right away try to cut a promo on the dangers of the left, and democrats. Which would always end up taking more time, so Owen would get a good laugh looking at me having to nod my head just to get us back on track y’know.
It started to get to the point where Glenn just started turning every conversation into an argument against socialism, the radical left, Bill Clinton, and the federal reserve. You’d finally just turn your head and sort of have to cut him off and say sorry Glenn I just needed to use the urinal. I think even Vince got pretty annoyed with it. I remember walking past Vince & Glenn in the hallway one time, and Vince looked pretty annoyed. Not in the way that Vince would get upset when Shawn threatened to leave, but more in the way Vince would’ve rather been anywhere else y’know. Glenn was explaining how he felt Vince needed to create his own currency to avoid the evils of the central bank. I always remembered that image of Vince’s annoyed look, and sure enough a few months later Glenn is being booked as a monster heel who can’t talk.”

-Brett Hart
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