Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

--WWE has a press conference tomorrow at Noon in Orlando.  This is likely the announcement of the new campus and training center for developmental since Paul Levesque (using that name) is there along with the Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs, and Garry Jones, the president of Full Sail University.

The training center will be very much like an NFL training center, minus the football field of course.  It's a massive complex.
There aren't any credible mid-card faces. WWE needs to solve that issue. Everyone is a heel and that's why the bulk of them are stuck in the same position. What really differentiates a Wade Barrett from a Damien Sandow from a Cody Rhodes from a Antonio Cesaro at the end of the day. Kofi and R Truth are the only midcard faces at the moment.
this is why they need to be more consistent in who they push. i will be genuinely disappointed if ryback wins the title anytime soon especially with that weak *** marching samoan drop called shell shock. i wonder who cena will fued with after ryback and will the ryback feud be a short one like r-truth a few years back or will they strech it out for a few months
I think with CM Punk out and basically no other main event heels to face Cena, the Ryback feud is going to take us through summer. But really, who steps up after that? Probably CM Punk again after his break.
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I think with CM Punk out and basically no other main event heels to face Cena, the Ryback feud is going to take us through summer. But really, who steps up after that? Probably CM Punk again after his break.
 and thats what im afraid of. If they didnt really on the rock so much the last 2 years to gain and recapture ratings it would of forced their hand to have credible main eventers outside of punk, cena, and the part timers. As much as i would like to see the sheild take over i would feel kinda like a hypocrite in saying they deserve it over ryback when they both have been booked strongly since they came into the fold. Also I've see ambrose and rollins wrestle but can roman go? or is he another big stiff like zeke jackson?
I haven't really seen Roman go, but he already has plenty more in ring charisma than Zeke Jackson and that spear is a thing of absolute beauty.
not bad. why doesnt ricardo wrestle ?

I thought they were going to setup an ADR/Chimera feud, would've been interesting.

Have RR come back wearing a mask cause RKO threw that hot coffee on him back on SD, say it was ADR's fault that and that he doesn't look out for him? :smokin
They need to do something with D-Bry. Have them drop the tag titles at Extreme Rules. Set up Bryan to feud with Ziggler. Have Ryback and Cena till Punk gets back. Simple as that. Ryback is EXTREMELY over with the crowd. And Cena, is well, Cena. Whether you hate him or love him, Cena = ratings. Have Punk come back healthy, fresh and strong. I don't know who he would feud with though. He's already done Cena a million times but I could watch them wrestle forever. 
The WWE has had a problem with the midcard for almost a full decade, and that's sad. Guys either end up on a treadmill for no reason, or they are given the greenlight, but screw themselves over (Carlito, Masters, Anderson are the most notable ones who did the latter). So until they solve that problem, they will continue to be a one to two man show, with a flash in the pan token every once in awhile to fool us into thinking something is different.
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Yeah that mid card situation is buns. I don't understand the booking or direction for some of their superstars though. You had the nexus and core a couple of years ago booked strong and they are doing nothing now; which makes me wonder about the sheild. Miz , sheamus, db, or ton, wade, and a bunch of other guys that were or could be in the main event are stuck doing nothing . Lastly nobody really cares about the world heavyweight championship people were only waiting for dolph to cash in and win and now that has happen he's losing clean to swagger . It seems they've been building wrestlemania 29 for the last 6 months and now that it is over they don't have anything to put out
Shield is actually being booked a lot stronger than the Nexus. I think the difference is that not many of the Nexus members could really go in the ring aside from Barret and Dbry, then Dbry got dropped from it, so you basically had a team of green wrestlers.

Shield has two well-polished wrestlers in Ambrose and Rollins as well as the powerhouse in Reigns. It's easier to put the trust in them and it shows with how they've been put over since their debut. Nexus had beatdowns galore, but no real wins. I don't remember any nexus win at a PPV. Shield is undefeated and wins consistently against main event level teams.. I'm still optimistic for their futures at least for that fact.
- At Monday’s RAW from Greenville, South Carolina, a fan reportedly held up a “RAW Is Generico” sign and was moved by security, taken from his paid seat to the opposite side of the arena and a seat filler took his seat at ringside. The fan asked security why he was being moved and was told the people running the show didn’t want him sitting there because of his sign.

The fan reportedly asked if they could just take the sign and let him sit at ringside but was told by a security guard that he was about to be kicked out because the people running the show, presumably WWE officials, didn’t want him there. Another guard told the fan that wasn’t correct, they just didn’t want him in front of the camera. Apparently another man who was sitting with the fan also had his seats changed after he was seen holding up a sign related to Ring of Honor.
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