Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Just watched the Ultimat Legend doc.

Loved it. I've never seen Vince be that emotional.
Finally got around to seeing the HHH Bryan WM 30 match.

Bryan hardly sold that shoulder during the match. He was basically Super Dragon. Whatever.

HHH cutting off his hair was the best thing he could do to look like a legitimate monster heel compared to Bryan. He looked like a mass of muscle compared to Bryan's pale string cheese look. Which worked for the match.

It was fun to watch for sure. But I think Bryan totally Cena'd a little.
Watching undertakers worse wm match against the big boss man. How did bossman not die after gettin hung from the cell :lol:
So when do yall want to start the viewing parties? For those that don't know, we plan on nominating a PPV and everyone has 2 weeks to discuss. We can then discuss it in the WWE Network thread.
I'm in. The OP of that thread needs to be on board also so they can update the name of the thread ie "now watching chi town rumble"
I wish wrestling would go back to attitude era man, I miss those days. It feels like titles aren't even important like they used to be really.

IC title had some great matches and you could push other people that aren't fighting for a heavyweight shot. Same with tag titles, they seemed more relevant back in the day than they do these days.
So MeanGene, you will be in charge of updating that Network thread. Post a link to that thread in your sig so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

So everyone that wants to participate throw your name out there so we can randomize the order of this thing.
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