Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)


Stone Crusher :frown:
just rewatched the summerslam main event.

i feel jipped. this was supposed to be the main event of a ppv, and we get a squash? how can anyone want that? for a MAIN EVENT. match wasnt terrible. ut i wouldve much rather preferred an intense back and forth. total dissapointment.

also wwe painted themselves into a corner, because if you squash your NUMBER 1 guy, who can reasonably challenge lesnar? no one. lesnar squahses for a few months? no thanks.
where does lesnar go from here? who do you want to see him wrestle next?

only match id like to see and one i think would be amazing, is with orton.
classic match by Seth and Dean....that should have been the PPV match but still amazing. These 2 are perfect together. Wish WWE would let them take it further and go even more dangerous with some big time spots
where does lesnar go from here? who do you want to see him wrestle next?

only match id like to see and one i think would be amazing, is with orton.

Lesnar got to conquer CM Punk 434 days.. I'll also like to see Lesnar vs Orton..

Yeah, feed Orton next, then Batista for Survivor Series. In the meantime, build back Mark Henry's Hall of Pain so they can collide at the Rumble, which Reigns wins and have the obvious Reigns/Lesnar at WM next year.
classic match by Seth and Dean....that should have been the PPV match but still amazing. These 2 are perfect together. Wish WWE would let them take it further and go even more dangerous with some big time spots

This is what the WWE should be about right now.. Focus more on building wrestlers naturally.. Building rivalries and putting on excellent matches..
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For those saying summer slam main event was bleh. Y'all needa understand the story telling of that match. It told the story of a true beast taking down the "man" of the company. Great selling by cena and great performance by the ref. dude had looks of concern on his face and even almost stopped the match at one point

Excited to see how they book brock at NOC. do we get another squash match just to show how much of a dominate beast he is? And who do they feed? Not sure if I wanna see cena anymore. I really wanna see smooth orton against brock. Or even douchetista
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If Randy didn't take the L at summerslam.. I'll say that he should fight Lesnar at Night of Champion..

Cena should retire..
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