Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Hopefully this leads to the overdue heel turn for reigns , i feel like his wrestling has been more heelish lately....maybe cost finn the match tio start the fued...we saw shield triple threat , them dudes need to get way from eachother for a while.
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @4wrestling  is wrestling on Raw 
Too bad Mojo wasn't drafted to raw, it would've been nice to see him get that reverse chokeslam from Strowman
Im KO, SZ....Cesaro etc

I been on the roster for a year, 2 years... or however long Cesaro been out here

I been working my *** to get creative....vince...the crowd on my side

Ive proven that I can do it

Then some squirt in a pleather jacket who is garbage on the mic and uses blackface makes his RAW debut and gets the main even slot at Summerslam?

Yes Im in the locker room PISSED

Build him by letting him work his way up the roster

I see what you saying. I was just thinking more along the lines of new faces = new stars fueds ect in turn bring new fans = more money for everybody
Since everyone now knows BOTH of these people since they are in WWE ( 
 ) ; hopefully you can FINALLY watch these damn matches I have been pushing for the last 3 years. NO excuse now @Peep Game

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