Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

From a house show tonight --
Roman reigns def Kevin Owens via superman punch/spear. Owens immediately called roman out on his suspension. Repeatedly made jabs at it. Halfway through the match they went into a chin lock rest hold for literally 8+ minutes. They sat in that hold until the entire place started boooing really bad. Like not heel booing but this is boring booing. There were boring chants. Then roman did his super man power up and boom boom match over. Nothing changed. Little kids cheered adults booed. The end. Roman had a nice beard though.
i'm still curious as to why Gains was suspended & specifically what he failed the wellness policy for :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
all i heard was that rumor about mad bork...was it all a work? :nerd:
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He needed the adderall to help with his promos. How else would he remember his lines?
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can't one easily get a script for that? :nerd:
it's not an opiate or anything
Adderall can also be used as a mild performance enhancer, and the WWE treats it as such.

Adam rose got suspended for the same thing. He tried disputing it saying doctors prescribed it for his ADHD
Adderall can also be used as a mild performance enhancer, and the WWE treats it as such.

Adam rose got suspended for the same thing. He tried disputing it saying doctors prescribed it for his ADHD

i feel a lot of these dudes have their private doctors so than can conceal there total health from the wwe (ie d bry)
but if one were to get a script from that private doctor - how could you not try to clear in somehow with wwe first...
i don't know mang
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