Wrestling Thread Dec 17-30 | 12/24 Raw - Cena v Del Rio, Bryan v Sandow | Merry Christmas!

Listen to JBL talking about NJPW and NOAH.  Though I don't think Albert was ever part of NOAH.
Are they really showing a flashback to something that happened 45 seconds ago? Bring back the commercials b.

Kaitlyn's music sounds like when you would gain invincibility in some generic Sega game,
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Maybe I'm just noticing it for the first time, but PTP's new music sucks compared to their old one.
what's with Punk only wearing a beanie...

wearing a JJ hoodie...off color shirt...seems like he was caught off guard n threw a hat on...
They gotta chill having my dude Roman Reigns scream like a banshee. All I'm waiting for is bruh's hair to rise up and go full Super Saiyan.
WOW @ Ryback beating the US Champ CLEAN. Were they not trying to build Cesaro up as a strong heel? They JUST had this match yesterday with a count out (which was the "right" thing to do)...then ***** beats him clean the next day. WWE booking at its finest.
very dumb
WOW @ Ryback beating the US Champ CLEAN. Were they not trying to build Cesaro up as a strong heel? They JUST had this match yesterday with a count out (which was the "right" thing to do)...then ***** beats him clean the next day. WWE booking at its finest.


And why not have Big E go a couple weeks to a month wearing bodyguard like attire? Its a small thing but its one of those things that just makes sense.

Big E out there looking like Nasty Nate. :smh:
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