Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

There are plenty of guys more deserving than Roman thats why. Haven't seen him cut one good promo and can't remember any good singles matches with that guy.
I feel like they could build him more organically rather than force him on us. A little personality wouldn't hurt. Similar music and ring gear from his shield days :rolleyes

I don't mind the shield gear and music (aside from the reflective colors) but he needs more work in the ring and on the mic
Trish is my GOAT... Although I tend to prefer females with pigment, Trish was around during my puberty... I can remember jerking it so many times to her loading screen shot on Smackdown for ps2... Thank jebus for those ultra long loading times...
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Trish is my GOAT... Although I tend to prefer females with pigment, Trish was around during my puberty... I can remember jerking it so many times to her loading screen shot on Smackdown for ps2... Thank jebus for those ultra long loading times...
Trish is my GOAT... Although I tend to prefer females with pigment, Trish was around during my puberty... I can remember jerking it so many times to her loading screen shot on Smackdown for ps2... Thank jebus for those ultra long loading times...
reading older post when everyone was on romans d...:lol:

I don't think anyone was saying he was already good enough to be a top guy though. Everyone knew he was green but had a ton of potential because he's so damn athletic then he started getting forced on us and they pushed him too fast. As soon as that solo run began we all already knew what was up, he was doing great as a complimentary guy to Ambrose/Rollins and as far as where he was at then, that was the role best suited for him.
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Trish is my GOAT... Although I tend to prefer females with pigment, Trish was around during my puberty... I can remember jerking it so many times to her loading screen shot on Smackdown for ps2... Thank jebus for those ultra long loading times...

You a damn savage bro..Can't lie I used bang one out to Sable and Francine.. :smokin :smh: ..

On a side note, this is what I just missed by about 15-20 minutes this morning..

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