Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

it's amazing how good a show could be if you just focus on putting on great matches with guys that can work instead of circle jerking with stupidity like the bunny ******** or King Cena.
I'm fully convinced HHH is making sure that NXT ***** on the main product to show Vince that he knows what he's doing.

I'm real excited to see what happens when HHH has full control of Raw someday.
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They actually were celebrating/booking winning the NXT title bigger than the WWE World Heavyweight championship..
Maaaannnnn, that Owens debut was the truth..I hope he's on the main roster by Mania..Raw fans will love this guy..And Finn's paint job was beyond sick..Can y'all imagine his entrance at WM31 if he get's the call up?..Geesh..:nthat:
that forehead is something special i'll give you that much. i think I'm attracted to her personality more than her body/face.
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