Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Originally Posted by NobleKane

for those still looking for wwe 12 i found a way to get it for like 30 bucks but its kinda tricky

Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

Originally Posted by HOOD17

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Thanks for reposting that guide ROBPZ, I must have looked over it the first time it was posted. 

Look what I found in the warehouse at my work today... Can't believe these are still in the inventory. 
Goldberg, Sting, & Macho Man please


Add me to the list.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

holy #$+$ my life.
did anyone just see that tnashop.com commercial?!

I was about to ask where's Brooke, then BAM

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

You mean them not having any and not drawing?
look at 1994-mid 97. now THATS bad.

I think that's a bit different,�cause that lead to Vince being very desperate about actually�putting out a good entertaining product.
Right now, Vince is solely concerned with money and being accepted in the mainstream. You notice for the past�6-7 years
Vince/the WWE has appeared to almost be begging for attention and mainstream coverage? When before that, the mainstream
was flocking to them? Pretty sad.

@ Kofi. Pretty much confirms them dropping the titles to (a hopefully�built up & developed
Hunico/Epico/Primo�team. Rosa will finally get some use


Crazy how the climate of today's business reminds me of when ECW first started.� Replace when Shane says NWA with WWE and this could've been a promo done today

Wow, that vid is VERY spot on.
change those bigass penny's they call tag team titles while they're at it. And I've said it before, but when you see the "spinner" title in the WWE 12' game, it really doesn't look that bad when it's all flushed instead of being so thick and gaudy in real life.
Watching this old wrestlemania and seeing cm punk holding that tommy gun for cenas entrance is cracking me up
Why the WWE champion still called the "spinner"belt?The thing doesn't even spin anymore.Why
not call it the"Cena era" belt or something.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Watching this old wrestlemania and seeing cm punk holding that tommy gun for cenas entrance is cracking me up

Wrestlemania 22 @ Chicago I remember telling all of my friends that was watching this live at my house.. that he was going to be a future wwe champion.. all of them laughed in my face..
the just need a new title in general.
no going backwards.

the winged eagle will look funny on today's roided out oversized wrestlers, and it hasn't aged well anyway.
the attitude era winged eagle should stay that way, the attitude era. that era is not going to return, neither should the belt. progress and evolve.
the undisputed shouldn't return imo because it's a god awful looking title. i'd rather see a spinning usa/wwe champ hybrid title than to ever look at that thing around someone's waist again.
The winged eagle belt is one of my faves, but you're right brasilianmami, it should stay in the vault, cause when I think
of that belt, I immediately think of Rock and Austin holding it, and I want it to stay that way.

I love the WCW/WHC belt though. It looks like a real championship belt, not too gaudy, and it's simple and dignified looking.
So they definitely need to come with a new belt, something that looks like a true title. The non-spinning spinner belt was cool
when it first came out, but it should've been flushed down the toilet the first time Cena lost the belt. They should flush those
tag belts down the toilet too. &@^#'s are hideous and don't even look finished.
They definately need to design a new belt..It's just been too long since we had a new one..The 3D ECW belt would have been a perfect belt..It's big and it is a great blend of old and new school..Not sure if it'd look right in gold, but the silver/chrome looks amazing(especially in real life)
WWE Latin Stars News - Sin Cara, Del Rio, Mysterio, Primo, Epico, Hunico
Sin Cara had surgery to repair his torn patella tendon on 11/22 in Houston. He's expected out of action for at least six months. On the Vince McMahon front, he's no longer mad at him. Vince got mad during the show when the injury happened as many saw, but was eventually reminded that freak accidents happen in the ring and can happen at any time, noting Nash tore his quad just by walking and Vince himself tore his quad just by walking fast. It was said they were just upset because Sin Cara and attempting to break the masked record was a publicity stunt idea for Mania, and it's touch-and-go if Mysterio will be ready and Cara won't be ready unless they rush him back early. Nobody was happy about no masked guys on TV during the holiday season, but in reality, Mysterio sells merch whether he's on TV or not, and Sin Cara will as well at least this year because it's not like he's been gone for months. Apparently they also had a technical stunt idea for Sin Cara at the Rumble that they'll have to wait until 2013 to do.

Regarding the idea of the frustration with Latin stars not getting over the way they hoped, I was told a key is to watch Primo & Epico & Hunico's unit, as they were being groomed for the tag title and if that's pulled it would tell you it has been put on the back burner. Because Primo pinned Kingston on Superstars this week, it appears they are still going in that direction and will change the tag belts when Bourne returns.

Del Rio had been planned to lose the title at Survivor Series for a while. When he won it, the long-term plan was Punk at Survivor Series. The loss and win back from Cena was thrown in during the reign. However, what appeared to be the ending of his feud with Punk on Raw on 11/28 was certainly not planned, since Punk vs. Del Rio was the scheduled main event for TLC on 12/18 in Baltimore.

Plans for Fat Kaitlyn

There is talk of putting Kaitlyn in the group with Phoenix and Natalya because now that she's gained weight they see her as fitting in with the thicker body type. The funny part is since the gimmick started, Phoenix has dropped weight and is almost looking like what she's supposed to not like.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Plans for Fat Kaitlyn

There is talk of putting Kaitlyn in the group with Phoenix and Natalya because now that she's gained weight they see her as fitting in with the thicker body type. The funny part is since the gimmick started, Phoenix has dropped weight and is almost looking like what she's supposed to not like.

Really 4w?

Spoiler [+]

None of them really look different as far as weight, but all 3 are

that segment with gunner looking for garrett bischoff at the gym has to be the most unintentional funniest thing i have seen in quite sometime on tv... lol %!!
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