Wrestling Thread Jan 4-10 | Missed TNA iMPACT on Monday? Replay on Spike Thurs 9pm ET

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Possible RR spoiler:

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It's likely that John Cena vs. Sheamus will be a match at the Royal Rumble as reported yesterday.

It is also tentatively planned for Shawn Michaels and Triple H to be the last two participants in the Rumble match. It would certainly be an interesting twist but hasn't been confirmed yet.

Michaels' has of course challenged The Undertaker to a WrestleMania re-match, while there was also previous talk of a Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H match at the pay-per-view.

That $%*%#%@$ better not be true.

Jeff Hardy/WWE Rumor Killer
On the official Twitter of Beth Britt, Jeff Hardy's real-life girlfriend, she posted a tweet saying "I have no idea where these reports are coming from saying Jeff 'had a verbal agreement to return to WWE by a certain date.' That's 100% false".

Why Jerishow Didn't Win The Titles
One of the reasons that Chris Jericho and Big Show lost their match against DX this past Monday night is because WWE is banking on an Edge return prior to WrestleMania. They would then bill a Edge vs. Jericho match at WrestleMania 26 based on the way Jericho has buried Edge on WWE television since his injury.

Big Show: Young Talent Has To Step Up If They Want To Be Stars
In an interview with the UK Sun, WWE's Big Show says that with all the talk of young talent being elevated in WWE, it's not going ot be handed to them.

"I want to let you know flat out there's not anybody good enough to take my position," Show said. "And I'm certainly not going to give my position up just because I've been on top for a while, and nor would anyone else.

If there's another giant that can walk in and take my position, then good for him. He can run with it and I'll retire. Until then I'm going to work on top as long as I can, make as much money as I can and entertain the fans as much as I can. It's up to the younger generation to come to the locker room, step up and be leaders."

On Why The New Generation is Not Standing Out: "Talent will get you so far, but work ethic is the key. That's the thing that the guys on top have. We don't complain about flights. We don't complain about not going home. We don't complain about having an hour's sleep and then doing interviews at 5am. That's why we're on top - because we step up to the plate and do whatever it takes to make the company succeed. A lot of people aren't willing to do that, they're happy and content to be where they are. I really do think that is strange, and it plagues a lot of older guys in the locker room. We can't understand why they are not taking these opportunities. But let them be content. I'll stay on top!"

On John Cena: "They've got every opportunity in the world to grab the ring and get to the top. Look at John Cena - he is singularly the hardest working guy in our business. I flat out have so much respect for John and the work ethic that he puts in. He might not go home for two months between wrestling shows, interviews, appearances and charity work. And that's the thing that John Cena has above everyone else - it comes down completely to work ethic."
Time to pump a lil life in here

RVD going back to WWE instead of TNA?
- The new issue of the PW Torch Newsletter speculates that Rob Van Dam may make a surprise WWE return at the Royal Rumble. Apparently RVD has told people that he hasn't spoken with TNA officials since November.

A source close to Van Dam feels he would be open to the idea of a short stint with WWE if the money and creative plans were right.
That would be
He should have a short feud with Punk orJericho.
^^ Well i wouldn't be surprised since he did make a return in last year's royal rumble as well.

Too bad he wont be going to TNA. Would have been cool to see him in the X Division or have a match against AJ Styles.
Ric Flair Explains Why He Joined TNA Wrestling, & More
Ric Flair says his main reason for joining TNA and making his debut this past Monday night on iMPACT! was because unlike WWE, he felt wanted by the organization.
In an interview with Mike Mooneyham of the Charleston Post and Courier, he said he didn't want to sit at home watching two wrestling shows on Monday nights when he feels he can still contribute to the industry.

"I think I certainly can add something to the show," Flair said. "And the nice thing is ... they want me."

Flair says he waited for WWE to call him back after he worked a brief angle with Randy Orton this past June, but they never called him back to do a follow-up.

Flair says he was feeling great following his recent wrestling tour of Australia, both mentally and physically, and felt he shouldn't have to sit on the sidelines when he can strongly contribute to TNA.

Mooneyham noted: "Flair says he loves WWE and always will, but that he needed this opportunity for himself. ... It's a matter of pride, of belonging, of feeling that old familiar adrenaline rush. Flair says he is excited and energized by the positive vibes coming reverberating throughout the company (TNA)."

Two Huge 2010 HOF **SPOILERS**
"Dr. Death" Steve Williams has been rumored to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame WrestleMania 26 weekend. Considering he was very close to a Hall of Famer in his own right, Jim Ross, and that the legendary announcer is set to be returning around that time, it would make sense that Williams would be inducted this year. Of course, this is not confirmed just yet.

Another rumored name for induction into this year's WWE Hall of Fame class comes in the form of "The Million Dollar Man." DiBiase is rumored to be inducted this year, though nothing has been confirmed.

J.R. Blogs: WWE Return?, Heenan's Health, 2010 HOF News, More
Jim Ross has posted a new blog at JrsBarBQ.com. Highlights are below:

On Bobby Heenan's health: On the 'rasslin front, I hear that Bobby Heenan is improving from his last challenge. I love Bobby and what he has meant to me professionally and personally. No one in the wrestling business had more overall skills than did "The Wease" as he could wrestle, manage, and broadcast with the absolute best.

On returning to TV: Your emails, and we have gotten a great deal lately, regarding me returning to TV some day are appreciated and motivating. Time will tell about what happens down the road but it isn't my top priority these days even though I am anxious to get back to calling matches if that's in the cards for me. We'll know more on that matter prior to Wrestlemania.

On Stu Hart being inducted to the Hall of Fame: Stu Hart going into the WWE HOF is a cool deal as Stu was a real character and is one of the most impersonated men in the history of the wrestling biz. The late Owen Hart played some amazing, telephone practical jokes on his Dad that are classics. I have no idea who else will be inducted but I'm sure that it will be a fun night for those that attend or watch on TV.

On the winner of Brock Lesnar vs Dr Death: An emailer asked me to predict a winner between an imaginary Dr. Death vs. Brock Lesnar fight and I assume that they meant in an octagon and with both in their prime and with both having equal training and experience. Whew. I'm going to have to waffle on that one ala the Texas-Bama game as it would have been an epic or "vintage" collision of big, strong, fearless bulls. It would be a massive PPV fight if both men were allowed to devour some other opponents and then be able to talk about their devastation.

On Danny Hodge: Bottom line...Dan Hodge would likely have beaten them both if all the competitors involved were in their prime. Dana White would have made a mint with a young, vibrant Danny Hodge in UFC. Some MMA purists likely would think that Hodge would have been challenged by some of today's heavyweights ala Lesnar but I've seen Hodge humble some men that were bigger than Brock and not in a show biz environment either. I can almost see MMA eyes rolling but ask some old timers in the fight game that you respect and they will tell you all about Hodge arguably being the greatest on the mat..ever.

You can check out the full blog at http://www.JrsBarBQ.com.
well who else comes close in the wwe.......they nee to put punk in a feud for mania n i doubt they would put him in another mitb
i like how this thread grew only like 3 pages since monday

edit - smh at that rr spoiler

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shouldnt they be defending the tag titles though?
Originally Posted by chino905

Jericho with the Lion Tamer. Lion Tamer > Walls of Jericho

I saw that too and had the same reaction.

Hopefully he continues to use it.

This thread went dead after last Monday.
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