Wrestling Thread January 1st / Happy New Years NTWT Weekend Edition

First time watching wwe ppv in years decided to watch because hell in a cell but wow has the wwe toned things down. Didn't help they kept doing foley flash backs smh. Matches were good but no hype for the cell

Excellent observation..It's something I've noticed the past week or two..You can't keep showing the absolute hell (no pun intended) Foley went through during HIAC and hype it up as the most dangerous match in WWE history, and then have 3 matches inside the cage and nobody bleeds/gets portrayed as being seriously hurt..It takes away all the mystique of the match and severely diminishes the overall severity of the outcome for the wrestlers..

Exactly. Look at the Ambrose/Rollins HIAC. That was super tame :lol: and Taker/Shane was just laughable as it was just a slow methodical weak build up to an anticlimactic dive off the cell.
Watched HIAC late last night. NO reason for Y2J to be in the Cell, let KO go over and move forward.

Sasha (especially her cheeks) looked good. Cool with the result especially after hearing that there is a bigger story arc in play.

Was very surprised to see Goldberg was returning to face Brock. Not up on the rumors and speculation but hope this is in attempt to put someone over (Goldberg) at Mania.
Watched HIAC late last night. NO reason for Y2J to be in the Cell, let KO go over and move forward.

Sasha (especially her cheeks) looked good. Cool with the result especially after hearing that there is a bigger story arc in play.

Was very surprised to see Goldberg was returning to face Brock. Not up on the rumors and speculation but hope this is in attempt to put someone over (Goldberg) at Mania.
You mean Charlotte becoming 16-time women's champ?
Vince unleashed his petty side last night. I think had everyone backstage not campaigned for the women to go on last, Sasha would have walked out champ after opening the show. But because he gave into the popular opinion, his ego probably needed a quick fix.
Corgans lawsuit failed but he's to get his money back.

There is no incentive to want to own TNA other than the tape library imo and even that's of limited value. The company is completely damaged goods.

Jeff Jarrett doesn't even want the company back and he founded the place.
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