Wrestling Thread June 5th-30th/TGIF Edition/G1 Special In US Saturday 8PM ET Okada vs Cody

I knew it would eventually happen but that tear falling down from Enzo's eye got me. He's either a really good actor or he's legit hurt. I can even see Cass trying to hold back crying. It's true though Enzo is holding back Cass. If he'd just be his mouth and they're both heels i think it would have been better.
Only thing that can save Enzo is making him a manager
Too many big dudes better than Cass for him to be that guy I think.

Hope they write Ruru getting the case from Corbin somehow.
Not a fan of Enzo and Cass breaking up.

Didn't like the DIY breakup either but at least those two had established a singles career before teaming up.

Cass might get by for a while due to his size, but really see no upside for Enzo.

Enzo has the charisma no doubt but his wrestling is on par with Eva Marie.

Welp it's sink or swim for both of them.
Cass is basically the new Test. Problem for him is that Raw already has too many 'top tier' guys and the WWE can't even book those right. So he will probably sit around IC title level.
Enzo in 205 would help. Besides Neville and Kendrick who else do they have to be a mouth piece for that division? Plus he'll always be a good babyface. Unless they use him to do the stereotype Italian mafia and have him debut a new tag team to wreck havoc.

This year alone has been tag team break ups.

Hopefully Karl and Luke get some serious stuff going. Besides The Club angle those two are better heel champs then Sheamus and Cesaro.

I don't know why but I thought how hilarious it would be if they did a Shield reunion for Miz and the two bears :rofl:
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