Wrestling Thread June 5th-30th/TGIF Edition/G1 Special In US Saturday 8PM ET Okada vs Cody

Right. I post great wrestling content then he gets mad.
Mad? More like furious. I can't control my rage.

So knowing that it upaets me, and you continue to do it, that says alot about your character

So do me a favor and remove yourself from all Non WWE talks
Naito is the only one I can see winning the US Title. Omega doesn't need it and none of the other guys should get that title except maybe for Elgin but he is taking on Omega in the first round..
Anyone going to the show at the Garden?
Thank me later

Chipotle mayo is so good 
A little @MLW Kevin Sullivan mini-doc is going to be dropping tonight on the #MLW youtube channel. Hope you enjoy it.
Glad I can get more people out of the wwe bubble because its some really good wrestling going on outside of the WWE.
Good stuff educating everyone on good wrestling. Dudes in here need to realize that there is plenty of other options out there and they don't need to torture themselves to being in this WWE bubble man.
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