Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Mercury bout to cry like Trips saying "I love you Pop" to Vince
I try to go back and watch some of the old ECW.  I try to watch ROH when its on, but I can't wait to see what GFW is going to do.
Do you have the WWE Network?

Aight man. Make sure you check back in every day. A couple of us post some random matches from various promotions.

@John2st  's father worked in ECW. So if you have questions, ask him

@brendasdeadbaby  is the NXT guru

@had pants  Is the ANimated .gif king

@Meangene45  Is the residential Goldust

@4wrestling  is the modern day police/Eric Bischoff

@GotHolesInMySocks  Posts old news

@af1 1982  Jerks off to Dolph Ziggler birthday cards

@Peep Game  is a pevert. If you have a daughter, keep her away
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