Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Raw was decent, the crowd made it seem worse than it was though.  They need to get back to just wrestling, I've had enough of these over dramatic storylines and shenanigans that go on.
My favorite 3 current Wrestlers are Bray Wyatt, Antonio Cesaro, and Dolph Ziggler/ Luke Harper hard to pick. My favorite 3 matches in WWE have to be the CM Punk vs Cena at Money in the bank in 2011 I think,  Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels 1, and Cesaro vs Zayn 2 out of 3 falls. I won't report anybody.
 My man.

Last question, do you listen to wrestling podcasts
They should let Dean use both versions of his Dirty Deeds finisher. That Nigel clothesline dont bother me much, I think he does it too slow & often tho
Kevin Owens needs to tell his wife to chill with the posting pictures of happy kids man. He is supposed to be HATED. People that are HATED don't have happy kids. Come on Ms. Owens.

Dead serious.......
Yea that organization is better than the **** yall worship every week on here

You're gonna have to start putting an asterisk next to these statements..You're bitter *** knows damn good and well there's at least 4 of us who are die hard NWA/WCW>>>>>WWE..
Naw not really.  I've heard good things about the Stone Cold podcast, but I just never really had time.

:smh: you're about be assaulted with a non-stop barrage of podcast information that's like nothing you've ever experienced before..God bless you sir..
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