Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I'm super late but the heart punch is the dumbest finisher. and the worm. but they are jobber finishers.

warriors splash is bad for Main event guys. that's up there with the atomic leg drop.
Been reading the jtg book at stumptown coffee since 7am, this guy shad just didn't care :lol:

Ps if any regulars want the book pm me your email address and I'll send it over. Only 67 pages long

Edit: link ran dry
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One afternoon, during a taping of Monday Night RAW, I experienced what I would have to classify as one of the most awkward moments in my entire wrestling career. After arriving at the arena and dropping off our bags in the locker room, Shad and I headed down the hallway to catering. Along the way we ran into the Boss's daughter.
Now, this wasn't a company where you're expected to give respect to "The bosses' kid" just because of who they were. In this case, in the WWE, the Bosses' daughter made it very clear that she demanded respect herself because she rightfully earned it. She aspired to be the boss herself and Having married one of the most recognizable wrestlers of my generation, she ensured that she was well on her way to securing her own position in WWE history as a shot caller and one half of professional wrestling's ultimate power couple.
As I passed her in the hall I said, "Good Afternoon, Boss Lady," which was my usual greeting and nickname I came up with that described her. She smiled and kindly and replied, "Good afternoon, JTG." This innocent hallway banter would have been absolutely perfect if my tag team partner had not followed it up with his statement. Now, if you ask me, I think he was jealous that I had a familiar nickname for her, and wanted to one-up me. As you will discover, this did not work out favorably for him. True to form, the heat Shad earned for himself bit me in the *** as well.
Now, in an attempt to give Shad the benefit of the doubt, I would like to take a poll here. Ladies and gentleman, what would be the most offensive "B word" that a man could use to refer to a business woman (especially if she were in a position of authority)? No, it's not the "B word" you're probably thinking of.
Give up? The word is "Baby."
What in the world would posses a person to greet his female boss with "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" I will never know. However, on that particular day that's exactly what transpired. Shad Gaspard greeted his BOSS by saying "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" Shad Gaspard, ladies and gentlemen.
Her immediate reaction was priceless.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
There are plans of atleast teasing a shield reunion at Payback. It's not out of the realm of possibility putting them back together but it could be considered booking backwards.
is hogan's leg drop the reason he had so many hip issues?

On one of SCSA's podcasts he talked about that along with the Stunner.

Hogan once told SCSA if he could do it all over again, he'd do something other than the big boot and then the leg drop.

Because 300 nights a year for decades it really messed up his hips.

And yeah steroids didn't help either :lol:
One afternoon, during a taping of Monday Night RAW, I experienced what I would have to classify as one of the most awkward moments in my entire wrestling career. After arriving at the arena and dropping off our bags in the locker room, Shad and I headed down the hallway to catering. Along the way we ran into the Boss's daughter.
Now, this wasn't a company where you're expected to give respect to "The bosses' kid" just because of who they were. In this case, in the WWE, the Bosses' daughter made it very clear that she demanded respect herself because she rightfully earned it. She aspired to be the boss herself and Having married one of the most recognizable wrestlers of my generation, she ensured that she was well on her way to securing her own position in WWE history as a shot caller and one half of professional wrestling's ultimate power couple.
As I passed her in the hall I said, "Good Afternoon, Boss Lady," which was my usual greeting and nickname I came up with that described her. She smiled and kindly and replied, "Good afternoon, JTG." This innocent hallway banter would have been absolutely perfect if my tag team partner had not followed it up with his statement. Now, if you ask me, I think he was jealous that I had a familiar nickname for her, and wanted to one-up me. As you will discover, this did not work out favorably for him. True to form, the heat Shad earned for himself bit me in the *** as well.
Now, in an attempt to give Shad the benefit of the doubt, I would like to take a poll here. Ladies and gentleman, what would be the most offensive "B word" that a man could use to refer to a business woman (especially if she were in a position of authority)? No, it's not the "B word" you're probably thinking of.
Give up? The word is "Baby."
What in the world would posses a person to greet his female boss with "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" I will never know. However, on that particular day that's exactly what transpired. Shad Gaspard greeted his BOSS by saying "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" Shad Gaspard, ladies and gentlemen.
Her immediate reaction was priceless.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

KJHGKJSGHLGS :rofl: :rofl:
One afternoon, during a taping of Monday Night RAW, I experienced what I would have to classify as one of the most awkward moments in my entire wrestling career. After arriving at the arena and dropping off our bags in the locker room, Shad and I headed down the hallway to catering. Along the way we ran into the Boss's daughter.
Now, this wasn't a company where you're expected to give respect to "The bosses' kid" just because of who they were. In this case, in the WWE, the Bosses' daughter made it very clear that she demanded respect herself because she rightfully earned it. She aspired to be the boss herself and Having married one of the most recognizable wrestlers of my generation, she ensured that she was well on her way to securing her own position in WWE history as a shot caller and one half of professional wrestling's ultimate power couple.
As I passed her in the hall I said, "Good Afternoon, Boss Lady," which was my usual greeting and nickname I came up with that described her. She smiled and kindly and replied, "Good afternoon, JTG." This innocent hallway banter would have been absolutely perfect if my tag team partner had not followed it up with his statement. Now, if you ask me, I think he was jealous that I had a familiar nickname for her, and wanted to one-up me. As you will discover, this did not work out favorably for him. True to form, the heat Shad earned for himself bit me in the *** as well.
Now, in an attempt to give Shad the benefit of the doubt, I would like to take a poll here. Ladies and gentleman, what would be the most offensive "B word" that a man could use to refer to a business woman (especially if she were in a position of authority)? No, it's not the "B word" you're probably thinking of.
Give up? The word is "Baby."
What in the world would posses a person to greet his female boss with "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" I will never know. However, on that particular day that's exactly what transpired. Shad Gaspard greeted his BOSS by saying "Hey, Baby. How you doing?" Shad Gaspard, ladies and gentlemen.
Her immediate reaction was priceless.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: Wouldn't surprise me if Shad is still wearing the Timbs he wrestled in.
Shield reunion definitely isn't happening yet, but I could almost guarantee they tease it tomorrow....
i feel like a good time to do it is after they have a triple threat at 32. they realize just how good they are and how much better than everyone else they are sp they get back together. and them roman can turn heel on them when they break up.
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