Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes


How many times do we have to see Kane turn back into this "Monster" and do the same stupid corny angles we've seen for years. Daniel Bryan is in a horrible feud right now.

We got a 4305843958349th Battle Royal already this year. Rematches from the prior night of a PPV like always. Stupid Torito/Hornswoggle segment again.

We might have the same 3 main events from last night again on Payback. Yay :smh:
My dude Seth gives 0 dambs.
Yea man, imagine these fan-cam views in ECW era 
Only caught the last hour of raw, very entertaining. Sounds like I missed all the garbage in the beginning. This Kane feud is killing DBry's momentum. Kane is a damn killer, not to say Zack Ryder was a huge star, but he was crapped on during his Kane feud. I don't think people hated Cena more, than when he was feuding with Kane. Now DBry's segments are pure basura since working with Kane.

Get this dude outta here. Idk whose worse, Kane or Big Show.
So true man, you ever wanna kill someone's momentum? just throw Show or Kane in there with 'em and it's a wrap.
Raw had its moments but yeah, Bryan/Kane is unbearable to watch at this point. Brie's screaming :smh: :lol:
Soooooo, after further thread review, I take it I should consider falling asleep on Raw a blessing?? :lol:
I feel like Show could at least put on a decent match if he sped himself up. Dude has nice agility for a guy his size but he needs to be quicker. I get going slow is his character, but man, speed up.
Big Slow only does three moves Slaps to the chest, KO Punch, and that lame spear he does. Big Slow hasn't had a good match in 15 years.
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