Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

I respeck it. I stay in character until I get my next movie role. Right now I am a Marine I have 150 confirmed kills and I can't look in the mirror any more afraid I might shoot the bastard looking back at me.
Great role model

Sami Zayn on Talk is Jericho it's a good listen.
Dude, nobody cares. Instead of listening to grown men's voices all day long, how about you be productive at work for oncea

I appreciate Arn being humble and saying the other Horsemen were way better than him, but I have to disagree..With the exception of Flair, AA was thee best Horsemen of them all..And to this day I think he and Jake Roberts are the 2 most severely underrated wrestlers/promo men of the last 35 years..AA's SpineBuster and Steamboat's Arm Drag are tied, for me, as the most perfectly executed moves in the history of the business..

I haven't watched a Steamboat match in forever, so I'll have to check out those arm drags. But yes, Anderson easily had the best turn-on-the-dime spine busters I'd ever seen. Bret Hart has those extra crisp corner punches.

What's your opinion on Bob Holly's drop kicks?
Man there are so many great dropkicks in the history of wrestling. That is because there are so many variations.

Names that come to mind and style

Okada: Vertical

Paul Londons: Flippiness

Mr. Perfect: From the standstill

Dolph: Snap

AJ Styles: Combination of London + Okada; He almost does a 3/4's of a moonsault but also gets some height

And of course
Flair is just staying in kayfabe as a crazy alcoholic, he should be applauded.
I respeck it. I stay in character until I get my next movie role. Right now I am a Marine I have 150 confirmed kills and I can't look in the mirror any more afraid I might shoot the bastard looking back at me.

Can't wait for Temple man. Really hyped to see Seth in action.
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I respeck it. I stay in character until I get my next movie role. Right now I am a Marine I have 150 confirmed kills and I can't look in the mirror any more afraid I might shoot the bastard looking back at me.
Great role model


Sami Zayn on Talk is Jericho it's a good listen.
Dude, nobody cares. Instead of listening to grown men's voices all day long, how about you be productive at work for oncea

I haven't watched a Steamboat match in forever, so I'll have to check out those arm drags. But yes, Anderson easily had the best turn-on-the-dime spine busters I'd ever seen. Bret Hart has those extra crisp corner punches.

What's your opinion on Bob Holly's drop kicks?
To me, Arn Anderson's DDT > Jakes's DDT. The snap and crispness of Arn's moves. Man, other than Muta/Benoit, I appreciate his fluidity (not hips) more than just about anybody
Leave those podcasts alone man. Yall dudes are addicted to them. Always bringing them up.
I respeck it. I stay in character until I get my next movie role. Right now I am a Marine I have 150 confirmed kills and I can't look in the mirror any more afraid I might shoot the bastard looking back at me.
My man. That's why your money loooooooooonnnnggggg
Man don't lie that is all you talked about on the trip about how wrestling was your LIFE and you lived and breathed for the product. You said you cried when Sasha won the title in NXT and you cried when she lost at Mania :smh:

22 was on his Tommy Dreamer steez huh?
To me, Arn Anderson's DDT > Jakes's DDT. The snap and crispness of Arn's moves. Man, other than Muta/Benoit, I appreciate his fluidity (not hips) more than just about anybody

Nah, Jake's DDT=GOAT..Arn's is definitely elite level though..I think the thing I appreciated about AA is the fact he had no wasted movement..It seemed like everything was for a reason and not just to fill time or stall..One of the most methodical wrestlers ever and was one of the best in-ring psychologists ever..
Kenny Omega is now using the Boma-Ye and calling it the V-Trigger which is a nod to the game Street Fighter
Nah, Jake's DDT=GOAT..Arn's is definitely elite level though..I think the thing I appreciated about AA is the fact he had no wasted movement..It seemed like everything was for a reason and not just to fill time or stall..One of the most methodical wrestlers ever and was one of the best in-ring psychologists ever..
See this is why you are a Top Tier talent in NTWT. You know your wrestlings
Welcome to #TeamCheerio, DC
Kenny Omega is now using the Boma-Ye and calling it the V-Trigger which is a nod to the game Street Fighter

Yea knew about this.

Dig the name though. Xavier needs to get him in a Street Fighter tourney on UpUpDownDown somehow
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