Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

But Bryan can't wrestle, not anytime soon. So they throw him a bone, let him make an appearance while also making reference to a big past storyline (which they tend to not do that smarks always complain about). That was a solid segment. Can't believe I'm agreeing with the Cat Man right now.

Daniel Bryan felt SO much more natural and organic (no pun intended) as the temporary GM making all those matches than the played out Authority.  Such a nice change.
Didn't someone recently mention people should occasionally win with a signature move? It actually happened.
have no problem with the opening segment had to establish the power shift

but ya dudes prolly complain either way lol 
Hopefully I get home in time to catch the last hour. Hopefully I don't miss any surprises.

If New Day debuts yall better tell me.

*looks at @toine2983 *
I got you pleighboi.
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