Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Speaking of randy savage. You think he finally gets in the hof this upcoming year?
Wwe just released a dvd on him and his brother is good with them.
Speaking of randy savage. You think he finally gets in the hof this upcoming year?
Wwe just released a dvd on him and his brother is good with them.
I would think this would be the year for that to happen.

Question for NT.

This was brought up on the Wade Keller/Jim Ross Podcast. Do you think it is time for us to go back to enhancement/jobber matches? In short for those of you that don't know what that means, whenever WWE goes to a new city, local INDY talent will be brought in to take a whooping from someone on the main roster instead of each match being between "superstars."

This is how wrestling was before the Monday Night wars. Bit these days, the issue with the current system is how is RAW any different than the PPV? Back in the day, you would see people become established from wrestling jobbers and you would see them get their stuff/moves in and then you would get the OCCASIONAL star vs. star match. And then the PPV was nothing but star vs. star matches.

I think it should be considered. Go listen to the Keller/Ross show. Damn good discussion



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Until CelticsP said something about it I had never heard of, or watched, December to Dismember..So I fired it up about an hour ago..And after skipping through the flat out horror of each match (not to mention Tazz's ear shattering commentary) I have come to the conclusion that 1) The ECW re-boot was a worse decision than the XFL, 2) Vince and Stephanie hate Paul E. and probably make out while watching highlights of Heyman's worst WWE moments & 3) that CelticsPride should be banned from the NTWT for the period of 1 week for tricking me into watching that train wreck..
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