Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Can I get Jerry Lynn? I saw his name above but as someone's 6th choice.
If not I'll take sabu or rvd.
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When it's Ringel's turn it'll be the wrestler depreciation week lol
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Nothing like an old dude in gold facepaint and a bodysuit looking at you like your crazy to let you know your acting is awful.
jericho gonna have an appreciation year? 
Replace Jericho on my list with X-PAC :lol:

Just noticed on the Brie Bella beat down replay that Tamina was barely able to do her Superfly splash cause Brie is so frail. It was like doing the splash on the bare mat.

Sigh, I hate the Bellas
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Would ya'll say Sting was a good wrestler? I know he obviously had that charisma. But how was his in-ring ability? Where did it rank compared to the other wrestlers of his era ie Flair, HBK, Randy Savage
So I was in Potbelly's (sandwich shop) and I sat down next to a WWE the Magazine. I was browsing it a little and then the owner came over and grabbed his stuff from the area I was sitting. I guess he had already sat his stuff down. So he walks away and sits down somewhere else and starts eating. I finish my foot and I go ask him, "Wrestling fan huh." He says yea. Then we started talking.

He was around 60 years old, black dude. Kinda country. dialect.

He started out saying how he was a fan of Snuka, Superstar Billy Graham, Ken Patera, Bruno and a bunch of the other stars of WWF from that era.

He also started talking about steriods and how people foolishly believe they weren't used heavily back in the day.

He said he didn't really care for Hulk Hogan but it was a big moment when he beat Andre because nobody had really seen him dominated before that point in time. He didn't care for Andre either.

He RAVED about Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. He talked about how far they came. He even referenced them coming from ROH without me having to assist him. He said he would have never imagined those dudes coming from where they came from becoming the stars that they are now.

He didn't really talk much about Cena but he doesn't care much about him.

He really talked a lot about Superstar Jimmy Graham and how he influenced so many wrestlers.

We spent a little time talking about Benoit and how roid-rage was probably the cause of what happened with him.

He brought up Vicki Guerrero getting a sweet deal after Eddie died. He also talked about how unbelievable of a World Champion Eddie and Rey were. He says that they had no business winning a World title.

He talked about the Rock painting himself in Green last year and posing as the Incredible Hawk.

He raved about HBK. He called HBK the Iron Man. He specifically called him a "Marathon Wrestler." He says Bret and Shawn remind him of Daniel and Punk. Little dudes that look legit.

He talked about all of the talent that came out of the state of Minnesota. The Hennigs, Rude.

He also talked about how much he liked Piper and he was amazed that I knew about the Snuka/Piper Coconut spot. He was like, "Damn you remember that. You probably weren't even born."

He spent like 5 mins talking about how he hates the state of women's wrestling. He says all of the girls look the same now and Vince McMahon should be embarrassed of himself to put those girls in the ring as bad as they are. He brought up Fabolous Moolah and SHeri Martel and talked about how they were actual WRESTLERS.

He talked about how cool of a white boy Dusty Rhodes was.

He spent like 5 mins talking about the Von Erich family and how they were all messed up. How tragic of a family story that was.

He knew who Liger was! Of course I brought it up. He liked Liger, Tiger Mask, Strong Kobayashi, and Kawada. He brought up those names!

He talked about the Snuka/Backlund match and how Snuka had him beat but he went back up to the top of the cage. We talked about Snuka supposedly killing that girl. He said Bob Backlund was the man back in the day. A Legit dude.

He talked about how good Kurt Angle was but how he was on that stuff.

So I was essentially just throwing names out there just to get an opinion.

We were browsing the magazine together and there is a picture of The Shield and he says, "Those are some bad dudes. I have never seen somebody come in like that. They didn't come in scared, they put their foot down." He then went on to talk about how they could have made it in any era.

There was probably more but I can't remember anything else right now. We talked for like 1.5 hours. Really enjoyed that talk.
Rollins and Ambrose's selling :lol: :pimp: Ambrose's mannerisms remind me of old 1920's silent movies, like some Charlie Chase Chaplin or something
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Cool *** story DC.

Came across this in a Larry Zbyszko interview:

On Sting being "lucky": "Sting who was one of the luckiest men who ever lived, Sting couldn't do a good interview, he couldn't work good. We had to drop him from the ceiling for a year and dress him like the crow and not let him say a word to get one big match out of him."

4W is Zbyszko, Zybszko is 4w?
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